hobonickelsd getbalance:
hobonickelsd listaccounts
"" : 749.09307500,
"account" : 430.66852400,
What am I missing here?
Not sure I totally understand your questions. But to answer it in other terms. When block(set of coins) goes into the stake balance of the wallet, it is not usable until 25 confirmations, after that time, you are rewarded for your work, by the interest . It starts at 2.7% at 10 days and can go much higher if your coins take longer to stake.
So to get .1 out of 1 would mean your 1 coin took 30+ days to stake and you got 10% interest off of that.
Does that help?
Hi Tranz,
thanks for looking into my question. What I meant was, when I call up 'hobonickelsd listtransactions', I often see staked amounts, for example 2.7. I assumed these were coins, but the staked amounts clearly are not adding up to the total balance.
So to formulate it more precise: if in 'listtransactions', one sees a stake amount, what exactly is the number in the 'amount'.
"subcategory" : "stake",
"amount" : 1.07113700,
"confirmations" : 2775,
"generated" : true,
The subcategory stake was created by another dev to show if a coin block was generated from stake or from mining. What you see is final balance after a block was sent to stake. So for instance, if I set 5 coins to stake the subcat stake might show 5.2. I gained .2 from interest.
Here is an example from my own wallet.
"category" : "generate",
"subcategory" : "stake",
"amount" : 5.24914900,
"confirmations" : 395,
"generated" : true,
"blockhash" : "241f156df0eceab05a81a60ee7205f965ccd2c4914fa0542bf45abb21c1547f3",
"blockindex" : 1,
"blocktime" : 1395179522,
"txid" : "2fe98864948771ff91e4a3c5095218e59310f80db6c955a1985056df2b3eebee",
Total in: 5
Number of outputs: 3 (Jump to outputs)
Total out: 5.249149
It may need a bit of tweaking change the subcat stake to only show the interest. If that is what you are wanting to get at..