Ein Coin der meiner Meinung nach auch Potenzial hat ist der PacCoin!
Ist ein ganz frischer Coin der eine Investition von ein wenig "Spielgeld" sicherlich wert ist.
Da dürfte jetzt auch was neues kommen:
There is another HUGE announcement coming shortly that may benefit early HODLERS. Details are being finalized before it can be consumed. It is in relation to the swap – that is all we can say right now. But the community will be able to discuss and vote on it soon, this will be fun!
ging hier jemand mit? Hat sich gleich mal verdoppelt und dürfte echt noch einiges an Luft haben
das es kein neues Coin ist stimmt, da habe ich scheinbar etwas verwechselt. aber vlt spricht ja das gerade für den Coin?
EDIT 13:30 Uhr: habe ich gerade gefunden:
Reasons for price increase
1) PAC was paired with LTC recently, it's taken about 2 days for people to become aware of the pairing, opening up the market to far more people as they no longer have to trade through the DOGE dungeon anymore.
2) We finally broke down over the course of 3 days a 97Billion $0.00040 sell wall, after that, there was nothing really standing in the way of the PAC rocket.
3) The PACcoin.net website was under heavy strain due to all the increased traffic so the team have moved the entire platform onto a new cloud server to help meet the new demand. We are releasing our Future Insights document/explainer presentation today, providing the website changeover is finished.