indeed so many people jump into the crypto with little or zero knowledge of bitcoin and it's security and intending risk, so pls i will really appreciate a response from professionals in the house
In what method do you want your Bitcoin security, storage, exchange, investment or trading, what is certain is that everyone who enters the crypto world risks always exist, for that if you talk about Bitcoin storage of course you can see here: if you talk about security or loss other than exchange/wallet, understand investment and trade, of course you need a lot of investment and trading knowledge and information, so that you don't run the risk of big losses, the journey of investing and trading is long it takes time to be safe and successful in that, because the risks you face are very high, miscalculations, analysis, the market will all end in regret, so learn more here about crypto, one day you will understand and understand all that, high level of security about your crypto.
Don't be shy and reluctant to ask early, if you don't understand especially about crypto, the members here will be happy to help you, without reward.