Hello Mates, I wish to venture into trading but I'm just being mindful of the current market situation. Looking at the market, I see instability.
I wish to get the needed guide on how and when to start trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies inorder to make some profits to settle some of my needs. I appreciate you all for your kind response in advance.
Crypto and its trading aspect have gone far from anything basic to a highly professionalised field. It becomes a play of experience for which most beginners don't have but there is a catch.
You could always buy bitcoin and hold. The point or pice at which you buy could determine the more profit you can get but that is based on how long for which you are ready to hold. We are currently in a bearish market although, its had to say if the market have actually made a dip as no one could clearly ascertain but, you can but at any point, hold and keep buying more when opportuned while, you continue to hold until you get desired profit.
Always use spare cash and this is far from an investment advice. DYOR.
Be careful when it comes to altcoins, trading on signals and arbitrage trading.
My advice for you at this phase would be that you try gaining knowledge on the forum and while demo trading if your interested in trading.