If you want to deepen your knowledge of Bitcoin, then knowing cryptography is more important than knowing programming. Programming would only give you knowledge of implementation details, while cryptography will teach you about fundamentals like signatures, hashes, proof of work. It will also allow you to easier understand Lightning Network and upcoming features like Schnorr.
Thanks. Will put cryptography on my reading list.
Bitcoin is much known for trading and for investing. This has made people learn about its market analysis much more than its technical aspects. We've got lot of threads and technical articles that gives clear information on how bitcoin works.
That's how I lost my funds in the past too: knowing just how to profit off it, and not taking enough precaution to keep my BTC safe. I just want to learn more about it as I should've already known A LOT after 6 years of using it. I know most of it, but I find myself questioning so many things and it's hard to understand a side of tech you've never studied before.
you don't need the knowledge of coding to understand bitcoin
the general understanding of how C++ is not required either , even if bitcoin itself was coded in it
if and when you want to develop and use blockchain to its fullest , you will have to study
especially if you want to contribute to developmnet :
https://bitcoin.org/en/development#code-reviewhere are some totally free courses and books that will help you if you want to learn bitcoin without ANY background in coding or language knowledge:
Blockchain Theory 101 , Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain from UDEMY ( google them , they should be free to download and use , all you have to do is register)
https://www.coursera.org/learn/cryptocurrencyThanks for the resources! Will download them ASAP
I appreciate that you have the willingness to learn more and this willingness is the power for everything you want to achieve.
Just read about the topics you want to gain knowledge of; if you have questions then make a thread and you will always find someone who will answer. Reading is knowledge and knowledge is power.
You don't have to be a coding guru to learn about mining or some technical stuff, but if needed then a basic coding knowledge will be sufficient I guess and that's not rocket science.
Most of the miners and those who have a vast knowledge of the technical part are not coders. Coding is just another part and I guess you don't want to be a developer to program something.
I hope you got my point...
I get what you mean. I thought you could only understand a new update by reading its source code, and that means understanding a coding language. Reading topics here is kinda hard as I don't understand lots of terms and expressions regarding the technical side.