Market capitalization. Very important and often overlooked. When investing in any asset it is important to recognize what current market capitalization of it is, if you are value investing and looking for asset that will produce long term increase of use for certain market, it needs to be as under priced and under capitalized as possible, this means that you as investor are entering at best possible price. If market capitalization is way above the actual real use of market it very often leads to strong price drop in order for price to stabilize around intrensic value.
Let me give simple example on this one:
Imagine company X that sells product with limited production of assets of 100 per year and has limited number of companies to sell to. Maximum profits that this company could get is 1 million USD if all products are sold (and lets say that company can only extend production and market by 10% per year).
If such company forms IPO and there is 50 million USD entering in first day, then no matter how good the production and products of company are, the asset (stock) is heavily overpriced. In majority of cases this leads to strong price correction.
Market cap can be seen on website like : ICOs market cap after finished ICO can be seen on coins website.
Now the key is to assume as good as possible what is decent market cap for certain crypto currency that one wants to invest in, its not very easy. Best way is to focus on obvious extremes. Often if investing in ICO one does not know ahead what value will be collected, which means that investor has to asses sitatuation and actions later on once the coins ICO is finished. Often there is still enough time to get out of position without any major loss if its done quickly.