NAP isn't a law. It's a guiding principle to draw inspiration from while designing an AnCap society. It actually has zero effect with regard to what happens in a NAP inspired AnCap society though. In the end, the people within an AnCap society will still murder, rape, rob, deceive, and fight others over lovers, property, race, and ideas. In arbitration, someone will lose, perhaps unjustly. People will be inundated with contracts, subscriptions, tolls, fees, and bills. Lawyers will abound. Lawsuits will be the order of the day. Money will reign supreme.
Probably so. We assume anyway. We have no more evidence that ancap can't work than they have that it can. What you argue for is the status quo; because you have no evidence that things could be better, you'd rather stick with the devil that you know. I can understand that position, actually; because I'm of the same vein. I'm as vested in this broken system as much as anyone, and would have much to lose if the US government were to collapse within the next decade. And that is something that I need to change rather quickly because it
will collapse, in some catastrophic manner or another. I'm wise enough to have long understood that Social Security is a generational scam, and old enough to hope that I might make it so that I might be able to get some of my money back. But now there are talks to avoid (not going to happen) this "fiscal cliff" that involve raising the standard eligibility age to 67. Even if that doesn't happen now, it has to happen before I turn 65 if there is going to be any chance at all at there still being a meaningful amount of spending power in that monthly check. If these government social services are not reformed soon, the Millinials will take over the electorate (probably before the next presidential election, maybe before the mid-terms, but soon) from the Boomers, and they are as likely to destroy those programs as reform them. Many of the ancap people that you are arguing with are those very Millinials, who have little, if any, vested interests of their own into the status quo.
And yes, I am fully aware that SS is screwing the younger generations, but I'm also aware that I got screwed too. Two wrongs dom't make a right, and I'd not cry in my soup if the SS system were to implode efore I made it, but I am not shy about taking the spoils that I can get if the system is still there whtn I arrive.