I haven't tried to stop but because it's not a problem for me. I play little, with low amounts, being aware that the odds are against me, and always with money I can afford to lose. I take it as an entertainment expense, with the difference that from time to time I come out with more money than I put in.
So, I don't have to set out to stop, and in fact, there are seasons when I don't gamble, simply because I don't feel like it or because I'm busy and don't even think about it.
Well, if this is your attitude towards gambling, I guess even if you keep on losing your money, that won’t be a problem because you are just gambling for fun, and not to gain serious amount of money. But honestly, even if I’m aware that the odds are against me, I’m still gambling for profits, not just for fun alone. The reason why I keep trying my luck especially in lottery, because once you end up hitting the lucky numbers, that will eventually change your life as the jackpot prize amount is certainly huge.
But I want to ask if you're well aware that you have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning, or be hit by an asteroid directly than win the Lottery. If you're banking on the fact that you might win it someday just because some people did, you're going to end up dying trying to win than winning it. But whatever, to each their own I guess. As in the case with gambling for fun, for me you don't outright relinquish the fact that you may gain profits when you gamble, it's just that the mindset is not set with winning the games but rather having fun while you are playing, so when you lose games, it doesn't take as much mental stress, and when you do win, it's much easier to relish upon.