I sometimes feel so confused about the term of the right time. Because we don't know and cannot predict when is the dip market time exactly, Commonly there will be also another dipping market again after the previous dip market.
So far, we cannot guarantee that after dipping, there is no dip.
So in this way, I only do some buying at the average and taking profits also at the average.
We can set some target to buy and sell so that we can do trading very time. Except that we are going to hold. So we can buy them on average and then holding the coins for certain period.
Actually, when the coins we want to buy go down in price, it's the right time to buy the coins. Indeed, one of the risks after buying coins, the price
can suddenly drop, but as long as we choose potential coins, there is no need to worry. Because if the coins we choose are good and have potential,
they usually only drop temporarily and soon recover, then the price can go even higher. Or we can also buy coins in stages, meaning that when buying
coins we use some of the capital we have, so when the price drops even lower we can buy with the remaining capital we have. After that, just wait
until the price goes up or reaches the target we have set. So that we can make a profit from the coins that we bought earlier. The problem is often
the price of coins goes up, it takes a long time, so it does require patience if we want to make a profit from crypto.