I have been excercising for a while to lose wait now and eventually I've lost some weights. However the fat around my belly hasn't been burned. Please advice me what to do.
Worst advice ever given. It's not about fat loss, it's about a life-style change. You can't lose a certain amount of fat and then expect the same amount of fat to never return. It's not like building a concrete floor, that once it's done it will stay like that for ever.
To have a successful life-style change, you need to do something that you truly enjoy and like, if it's a chore, it's only a matter of time before you go back to old habits. But training and paying attention to what you eat is like everything else in life - sometimes it's boring, sometimes it's fun.
If you're a lazy person by nature, and lack discipline, starting a team sport or attending some kind of sports classes where you enjoy the activities could be a good idea.
If you're wealthy and can afford it, put your life-style change in the hands of a professional, he or she will aid you in learning better habits.
And remember that if you fail at one point, with a cheat meal, alcohol, or whatever - remember you're not a failure - just keep going the next day.
You should also ask yourself why you want to remove 'stubborn bodyfat' around the tummy. Are you doing it for yourself, or to 'look' good in the eyes of others primarily. If the last, I'm not sure if that's the right reasons why to do it. If you're thinking in terms of other dudes and how they look at you, most couldn't care less. If you're thinking about girls and attracting those, only a tiny percentage are obsessed with sixpacks, the rest will enjoy your company if you make them feel good. I've seen chubby dudes get the best and nicest girls, because they're humorous and know how to socialize.
The concerns about having a sixpack is mostly a media made 'ideal' that's hardly worth shooting for. There's a lot of things you can't enjoy in life if you're going for that calvin klein underwear model look. Forget about alcohol, and carb-loaded meals.
But frankly, if you can make the habit of learning what foods are healthy and what are not, and make a decision every time you're about to put something into your mouth, and move more - you're getting there one step at a time.
But nothing beats a lifestyle of training and proper food. You should never starve yourself to lose bodyweight, but rather educate yourself. The book body-for-life is a great starting point for those who lack knowledge about these things. Just google it, and you'll find it. If you follow it to the letter, you'll get that body you're dreaming about. But remember that this is a never ending road, once you're satisfied with your results, you need to keep everything up, or else it will deteriorate as quickly as in less than a week.