BTC BTC BTC BTC BTCHow to Earn Substantial Returns During Bear Market?Crypto market is highly volatile by nature and most cryptocurrencies lost around 70% in value in 2018. Despite that, individual investors are still investing in crypto market and bear significant losses, especially when trading on margin. The main issue is that individual investors can’t efficiently manage their capital as they are not qualified enough to perform token price valuation, fundamental analysis of the blockchain project, technical analysis of the token price movements, and legal and regulatory due diligence.
Another type of investors are crypto hedge funds that are managed by investment professionals. Generally, top-tier crypto hedge funds with hundreds of millions of US dollars under management have excellent historical performance and track record. Crypto hedge funds that use active portfolio management approach have the ability to deliver impressive returns even during bear market conditions. For example, Pantera Bitcoin Fund's lifetime return was over 10,000% as of the end of July, 2018, net of fees and expenses.
Crypto hedge funds can earn substantial returns leveraging their deep knowledge of market trends, strong investment expertise, and rigorous due diligence. When investing in ICOs, crypto hedge funds have access to exclusive private deals with deepest discounts and can invest in the most promising blockchain projects that are not opened to public. Hedge funds provide their investors with monthly investor reports and perform annual audit to confirm the transparency of hedge fund operations and actual holdings.
Unfortunately, regular investors are not able to invest in crypto hedge funds as they typically require multi-million dollar minimums and are designed for accredited investors. Under the US securities laws, in the context of a natural person, an accredited investor is an individual who have a net worth of at least $1,000,000, excluding the value of one’s primary residence, or have income at least $200,000 each year for the last two years (or $300,000 combined income if married) and have the expectation to make the same amount this year.
ELEMENTS ( is the first blockchain fund that solves this issue. ELEMENTS offers easy access to investments in top-tier crypto hedge funds worldwide through its native token with $100 nominal value. Each token represents a stake in ELEMENTS capital and its value is linked to the performance of underlying investments, best-in-class crypto hedge funds. Unlike typical tokens, ELEMENTS tokens have a real intrinsic value being secured by a USD capital invested in the most profitable crypto hedge funds worldwide.
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