1. Spending your money on unnecessary items immediately the money arrives. Trying to prove a point to people by living a standard that is above your pay grade.
2. Live on one source of income. Everyday of our life our responsibilities and challenges keeps piling up accumulating without consideration to our financial capability. The economy and cost of living continue getting worsen. So in order not to be able to beat this piling settle comfortably on a single source of income flow.
3. Become an extremely cheerful giver/lender to friends and family. A wisdom quote I read somewhere said, "if you want to lose your friends and family lend them money". Keeping doing this and you going to be successfully poor.
4.Learn how not to mind your own business, making every events around you your concern even when it doesn't affect you. It's a nice way to make cool enemies. Etc.
I trust you all get the sarcasm as conveyed.
I don't know what your purpose is, and you created this topic. I don't get the sense of the discussion you created, dude. Do you think that some of the communities here want to remain poor in their situation in their lives?
Are you the OP wanting to be tied down by being poor? because if you say yes, why don't you do all the things you said here? I can't even tell if what you're saying is a tip, because it seems to me that you're just teasing the other communities here who are still struggling in their lives. Is that your only purpose for doing this?