I don't have the hardware to serve a pool, but perhaps someone can modify this one: https://github.com/wareck/node-stratum-pool
It was forked from the original to add Lyra2RE support. Based on the source it seems like Lyra2H is only a slight change from this.
Meh I doubt I'll be able to figure that out. I gotta go now but if someone can make a pool just for testing purposes later, send me a PM.
for Linux server distributions : you can build the hppcoind daemon from the sources : https://github.com/hppcoin/hppcoin
Best Regards
I got it to compile but when I run ./hppcoind I don't get any terminal output, the terminal just hangs. I assume that means its working, but I'm used to ones where I can set getinfo or similar commands. It doesn't matter, the difficulty is so high I don't really want to throw my VMs at it anyways, I'll have one windows machine on it and that's it until I'm able to test my GPU miner. Thanks!