Great thanks, i'll definitly use it when my 1080ti rigs will be built in a couple of days, if it's stable
keep up the good work man !
Ps : what algo do you have in mind, next ?
Thank you for participation, I've planned nist5 to be next, but recent tests of my nist5 kernel showed that speed is a bit less than optimised alexis78's kernel (old ccminer-palginmod). As I state different kernel techniques in this project, I'll switch to something else, nobody'll use devfee miner when faster freeware variant is avaliable. It's still possibility to make it faster by another computational module work load, but it'll require dozen of time. Or I need to project faster groeslt kernel, current way of dealing with it is on the edge of hardware's capabilities, theoretically it can be 2 times faster, but it all requires tons of workhours from me.
Now I need to rest a bit, this weekend I'll be one lazy ass
Thanks for the great work!
What about x17 algo? Verge is on a roll and is a major coin to mine
Thought that X17 is ASIC's theme now (Bainkal etc.) ? I'll take a look, of course, but won't promise anything until closer look.
Hey. 1050ti does not work at all.
GTX 1080 = 1254 (1620/5315).
//1050ти нe зapaбoтaли - pyгaeтcя нa дyблиpoвaнныe шapы. Ocнoвнoй бycт идeт нa 1080/1080ти, кaк я пoнимaю, тaм пpиpocт oщyтимый. Ha 1070/1060 paзницa c нacтpoeнным ccminer Alexis 2-5%.
1050Ti doesn't have kernels for it, I'll add experimental 1060 version and re-upload to github.
Ядep нa 1050 и 1050Tи нeт, пoтoмy и pyгaeтcя, тaк кaк пытaeтcя oбpaбaтывaть peзyльтaт paбoты кaкoй-либo дpyгoй кapты в pигe. 1070 и 1060 peзyльтaты y вcex paзныe, нo тyт yжe в вoзмoжнocти жeлeзa yпиpaeтcя, из ниx вce coки yжe выжaты, я тaк дyмaю.
My results so far
testing only neoscrypt ...
1080ti * tdp 100 * core +144 * mem +500 ... 1800kH (-i 5 or 6 no change, 7+ makes illegal memory acces)
1070ti Zotac Mini * tdp 95 * core +250 * mem +400 ... 1400kH+
1070 Evga SC * tdp 95 * core +100 * mem +300 ... 1200kH (but with -i 4)
EDITED: now it seems, that evga 1080ti is goin on 1950kH (-i 6, 95 tdp, +100 core, +400mem)
the only "problem" is in recognition of GPU in stats ... im runing 2 instances for different intensity (4*1070 + 1*1080ti in 1 rig)
-d 1,2,3,4 is for 1070s ... -d 0 is for 1080ti
miner shows serparated 1080ti stats ok
but when running window with 1070, miner is writing 3x1070 and 1 1080ti in stats (only name of GPU1, stats itselfs are for 1070)
Yes, this issue exists, but it's not affecting performance. I'll definitely look into it later, need to rest a bit first