Info for developers:
The name of the configuration file is:
humanitylink.conf -P2P Port:
34935-RPC Port:
34936-Nodes are hardcoded already, and the newest nodes will be listed and added in the list below.
addnode= you are having only 1 or 2 connections with this wallet is because of the POS protocol.
It needs Port Forwarding on the router side, authorize the P2P port at 34935
You will get over 10 connections that way. Don't also authorize the RPC port, only the P2P port.
-The linux wallet is the most up to date wallet with often code and graphic updates. To use the latest wallet install it from the github source on a
linux Os. Follow the installation guide for ubuntu below, it should be only copy paste even for beginners. For any problems leave a comment on this thread with your error.
-If you are making an explorer or a pool and you are trying to get the network hashrate the command gethashrate doesn't work with this version
of the wallet yet so it's not your website that's not syncing.
-The last nodes will be going live right now and should be online during the announcement.
Currently there are 2 hard nodes with 1gb/s connection, 1 in Seoul and 1 in Seattle.
There are 4 hard nodes with 100mb/s connection, Oslo, Jakarta, Montreal and Sao Paolo.
We are planning on adding 1 more 1gb/s node in Europe and 5 more 100mb/s nodes worldwide.
Block reward and premine code of 0.625%:int64 GetBlockValue(int nHeight, int64 nFees)
int64 nSubsidy = 10000 * COIN;
if(nBestHeight == 0)
nSubsidy = 62331429 * COIN;
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcreation"))
printf("GetProofOfWorkReward() : create=%s nSubsidy=%"PRId64"\n", FormatMoney(nSubsidy).c_str(), nSubsidy);
return nSubsidy + nFees;
// miner's coin stake reward based on coin age spent (coin-days)
int64_t GetProofOfStakeReward(int64_t nCoinAge, int64_t nFees)
int64_t nSubsidy = nCoinAge * COIN_YEAR_REWARD * 33 / (365 * 33 + 8);
How will the POS rate be calculated to maintain even distribution:
| dN
| --- = a * N - (b * N^2)
| dt
N=population size
a*N=birth rate
b-n^2=death rate
Installation guide for ubuntu:// paste following in Terminal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git curl tar unzip software-properties-common -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev -y
sudo apt-get install libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev libminiupnpc-dev -y
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
git clone
cd humanitylink/src/leveldb
chmod 775 build_detect_platform
sudo make libleveldb.a libmemenv.a
mkdir -p obj/zerocoin
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/humanitylink/
cd humanitylink/src
mkdir obj
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=1
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/humanitylink/
cd /humanitylink
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/humanitylink/
Dependency Build Instructions: Ubuntu & Debian
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libdb++-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install libqrencode-dev
Versions used in this release:
GCC 4.9.0
OpenSSL 1.0.1g
Berkeley DB 5.3.28.NC
Boost 1.55.0
miniupnpc 1.9.20140401