I am curious to see where the price goes during this current cycle. Is this the beginning a new Bull run? A trap?
My personal hypothesis: By 3rd/4th quarter of this year we will see ETF's, options, leveraging, etc come into the market. Once this occurs major Wall Street firms will start trading. This will create volume at levels never seen before and drive the price far, far higher.
(I can't wait to read this exact post 3 years from now.)
I'm posting my hypothesis again, originally posted April 17, 2014.
"It seems that bitcoin has a seven month cycle from mega bump to mega bump, it also appears to have a super dip about four months from the mega bump, and this super dip seems to be the start of the coming mega bump, with a slow rise the two first months and a steep rise the last month. If this hypothesis of mine is correct we are now leaving this cycles super dip and the next mega bump peek should be around the end of June or beginning of July.
It also seems that the price at the top of the bump is the same as the price in the dip plus a zero, and it seems to stabilize at about half the peak price until the four month super dip. So if this dip's low was 400 USD the peak should be around 4000 USD and it should stabilize at about 2000 USD until the next super dip."
So, around 4000 USD peak this time is my guess. But I will start selling at 3000.