That's cause I did a RageBuy and "cleaned" out the sell orders. Only a measly 7,000 coins. You can drive the cap to $20 million right now for less than 1 BTC.
Riddle me that!
This thing is gonna pop to $10 so fast; and none of the clowns know it cause they're distracted by the vapor of crypto, ShitETH.
Sorry, stupid Cryptopia exchange does not have a "delete all buy offers" separate from a "delete all sell offers", just a "delete all offers", so when Cryptsy's huge theft forced me to scramble for my bitcoins elsewhere I had to delete all orders in order to delete my buy offers, so hundreds of thousands of for-sale coins (at 10,000 satoshis and up) all got deleted.
I have started typing sell offers back in now, and thanks for the bitcoins you rage-bought with because now I have those with which to start trying to re-build the buy-side.