I was at CRAC 2017 in Prague (Crypto Affilate Conf
At morning of 30 october i did't know what at evening i'll be at Prague.
I fly where to meet Jonathan Galea and explane him what we do, show prototype of product, and ask him to be our advicer in our project.
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/23333907_1579149088774754_8998932562501111096_o.jpg?oh=64d517db76d9cf6b22b6ee401853a67c&oe=5A69F2A4On picture Jonathan and Tal Ron (i meet him on idate2017 conference at London, and he introduce me to Jonathan)
There was a preparty and a lot people drink beer and smoke pot (damn, you can do it legaly in Prague)
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/23154781_1579148638774799_1637136062522020237_o.jpg?oh=991e3d55512be7b54074cf95c55c53f9&oe=5AA1F6B1https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/23213429_1579148642108132_4286933721750872894_o.jpg?oh=a036ab9f128fbc61bb72cc485756b39a&oe=5A703377Bitcoin — 6k usd.
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/r90/23120126_1579149795441350_8691309295638163597_o.jpg?oh=b7a690fcd34bcab1e6e7c5e615368abc&oe=5AA889F4In Paralelni Polis you can by coffee and pay crypto for this.
Find two bitcoinmats
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/23215826_1579149342108062_7531876187069283476_o.jpg?oh=3e69d32064398368e287df8f26781e1c&oe=5AA3C537https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/22904796_1579149478774715_4905477266736753957_o.jpg?oh=ac98cb77863c310047d203533d7b3f04&oe=5A6AACAEAt evening i meet my old friend and we go drink beer and smoke shisha.
I eat local gulash-soup and puke it at morning... Dont think i was drunk, its realy was poisoned )))
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/23120191_1579149512108045_3084242760359144946_o.jpg?oh=85edd75a32c73b35804f37ef3de8bed6&oe=5A69EA66On next day i meet Bogdan Taranenko (Worldcore Chief Administrator). They do ICO now, and he say what cost of developing they bank product was 5 mln, and they get 10 mln via ICO and they dont reach they hardcap (100 mln). He talk about how finances work in Czech Republic and problems they have with transactions etc. Also he sad what they soon will have SWIFT number and can make IBANs and whey will not depend from any bank. Also you can start small banking in Czech with 36mln euro revenue per year. To start this you have to spend 1 year and 20-25k euro. Few peoples from different cryptoexchangers asking him to how to collaborate and i think he diclined all variants.
This is Cointraffic slide from presentation
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/23154987_1579149638774699_6690555445062235757_o.jpg?oh=4dd68d588af4bc2e2c00d04f23d187fa&oe=5AABBC6AA lot ICO teams use only google ads and facebook to promote they ico campaigns. A very low amount of teams correctlry use CPM and CPA networks to promote ICO. I think we need try to do this too.
This is link for my facebook album
https://www.facebook.com/marat.nigametzianov/media_set?set=a.1579148612108135.1073741849.100000390347774&type=3&pnref=storyFeel free add me to friends.
P.S. Also there was a Konstantin Katsev from TrueFlip.io, and he told story about how they was scamed or something on bitcointalk.org and his ico was marked as untrusted in 3 days during ico. He think he lost few millions on that. Short story was: buyer of token ask to refund money for tokens on adress different from initial sender. And after this he start flaming at forum what he didnt get tokens back and trueflip send it on hackers adress... So in this case trueflip was market as cheaters, and figure out this situation took three days. All situations was corrected but expensive time was lost.