It's very very good purchase, you should buy a house for sure, but no need to do this when you are not sure it's a good for you, but if your life will not change in bad side, do it.
Bitcoin price may can increase in future However We can't able to buy a house or anything which is involves some legal issues. Because bitcoin is not has been announced as centralised. If not You will not able to buy a house.
If Bitcoin goes up very high should i buy a house?
Ive been thinking if it went into very high figures i could cash out 80-90% of bitcoin and buy a house outright with no mortgage. Is that even a good idea though? - basically 80% of networth in a house hmmm. On the other hand i dont want to have a mortgage and im fed up with renting due to landlords, letting agents and lack of control.
Well if you are able to buy a house for it with your bitcoin, I would highly suggest it, in the world we live in today, well atleast in europe, the prices of houses/ground are only going up because the world population keeps rising$. You could see a house as an investment aswell, especially in big city's prices are probably going up next couple years.