Sorry but the Troika are plain idiots..They want to impoverish every country they lay their hands on..I mean what kind of economists impoverish a nation that then has no buying power, so in effect VAT will also go down because no one has any money to buy anything DUH TROIKA = DIVS.. No offense but creating a sustainable and growing economy is far better for all concerned and this is what Tsipras is on about but the big Sharks that be just don't want a prosperous and buzzing economy of thriving people who can give back MORE in effect through direct and indirect taxes than by starving and waiting in the queues for aid to be fed..
Greece can earn plenty through deals with Russia and China and other countries..It is in a very nice spot geographically and once the Russian pipeline goes in and China grows it's presence in Piraeus that will be a nice chink of revenue coming in.. Greece has also a lot of land so more should be invested in the agrarian sector as well.. If the Brits want out of the Eurozone because they don't like the German axis muscling in on their sovereignty then why should it be such a disaster if Greece left? Greece did fine before the all Greece needs to do is get it's tax system in order and the ministry of corruption do its job to kick out all the corrupt govt officials.. Once Greece can clean up its act internally it can be a really prosperous place..oh we have the tourist industry as well, I forgot about that! Russia just from its image and super power status hits lately would love to be seen as the 'savior of Greece' even if it hurt Russia as a bottom line with fiat $$$$
just to stick it in the EU's eye..not to mention NATO I"m sure as a condition there would be Russian ships in Greek ports..the whole reason for Crimea was to have
such access...with Russia and loans would Greece really say .if no longer part of EU NO a couple Russian bases? It is setup to be a WIN/WIN/WIN for Russia imho.
but defaulting 137B to the Russians in a few years would be solved in a more 'immediate' way imho
thou such a Russian Aid Package a lever the EU will cave and make the loans ..again in my will make a temp band aid and again kick the can down the road...they can probably lurch from crisis to crisis just fine ..the EU members calling the shots..for many years
better a 1/20th loss per year to the EU on this farce for 20 years then the whole thing due to the EU taxpayers etc in one shot
they will settle imho till the next crisis likely say in 4 months ...this will repeat for many many months/years imho
truth be told the only way Greece can get out of this is dealing with the EU and 3% bonds etc and a 20 year plan...its either
that or the EU lets them go hat in hand to the Russian Trade pack thingy they are trying (or were) to build
strange bedfellows indeed
well played Greece well played..that will make them sit up and take more notice of your clout .a trade/loan alignment with Russia..stuck it to the EU good with that move
so again the fix is in the works (for now) again my speculation on all this geo politic vs just $$$ aside