interesting opinions.
I suppose everyone is paying bills right?? do you allow yourself to pay from your bank account what should have been paid by the machines??? i haven't gotten to that extreme of idiocy, sorry for that.
ahh ok, so you are mining and not selling. So actually every month you get nothing in return but to pay electricity on your own. So every month you actually lose money in favour of crypto. Ohh this soldiers of crypto, how hard it is to deal with your statements.......
how many of you already know that ETH will enter PoS at current mining rates before 8 months from now?? Do you have an idea of what you are going to mine instead??? I guess not. If instant profit is not your ideal situation, then you can afford losing money all the way till the moment comes when you can sell (if it comes).
And what about the reason to hold considering that cryptocurrency will turn to green??? Any argument not risible?? I mean...i don't consider blind faith as an argument, but it seems the top trending topic here. You should believe because i do it (said god) Nice!!! and if you don't consider it, you are mad.
And what about talking about future profit?? future profit? who TF can tell you right now this is gonna end well??? i guess the world is full of stupids ( a large amount of them are still mining at the moment). It's just a matter of criterium.
if i have to pay the bill for the machine, well, get the fuck out here, that's not what mining is for. And if that was the case, as someone said, you should better buy the coins instead of mining them.
and while we are talking, everybody here mining ETH is getting less and less money. Since i will not pay your bill (neither will do your rigs at current price), i will cut loses. But you´ll still be paying from your bank account your bills. That's utterly nonsense.
But i guess if at the current state you are still mining, nonsense seems to be the most adecuate word to describe it.
Please, continue posting, 20% loss today on ETH. But hey!! the market will recover , remember!!! No reason why, money rises in the trees!!!!