I don't know what I would do to be honest. I mean who knows if the guy that just sent you this is a criminal or a good man? Very tough decision. For someone like me that has a small BTC wallet and is trying to make as much BTC as possible before its too late due price going too high, it would be hard to return it, but I would feel bad to keep it too.
i dont think so ,, if any one was that good and return it to its owner it will be only after investing it and making self profits
Come on. You can't think ouside of your own tiny box believing that everyone in the world would act as you would. This is simply not true. Readers Digest did a "lost wallet" test to check the honesty of people around the world. Of the 192 wallets "lost" 90 were returned. This actually requires some detective work and still 47% were returned.
Interesting results. Mumbai was a big surprise for me.