seperti nya masih PHP karena sudah lebih dari satu minggu sejak di posting
yang di postingan nya dalam 2-3 hari code signature nya kelar ampe sekarang belum di mulai
malah ada program baru, minimal invite 20orang untuk join di web liqui exchanger
lalu trading dengan volume 10 LTc atau berapa lalu di post gambar and testimoni akan mendapat 1litecoin
tampaknya belum niat mengadakan signature tapi pengin dapat atensi member bitcointalk sehingga membuat postingan campaign signature
Yang dimaksud, ini bukan?
While you are waiting launch of campaign, you are welcome to participate in our promo 3.
1. We invite all who have 20+ posts.
2. Sell 2 LTC to our wall (good price) at LTC/BTC pair.
3. Write in this thread a short review how this trade goes, if everything is clear or your suggestions/improvements.
4. PM screenshot where your trade is visible (Last trades on the main page in the lower left corner) + your nickname and LTC adress.
5. Put BTC from this trade on Interest and wait first payout in 24 hours.
6. Once again post in this thread a few words is everything ok with to your BTC deposit.
7. We will pay you 1 LTC.
The limit for this promo - 100 LTC.
Aduh kak, dibaca yang teliti ya, itu saya bold biar ga salah fokus. Itu dia kasi tau kalo GA #3 dia masih berlangsung sampek sekarang, daripada yang nungguin signature nya resmi dibuka cuma nganggur", dia ajakin ikutan GA dia. Itu juga hasil copas dari thread utama dia. Jadi itu murni kasi GA, ga ngewajibin para calon buat ajak 20 orang. Dan yang ditulis di sana itu 20+ post, bukan 20+ people. Saya gagal paham kakak bisa nemu 20 orang dari mana.
Hi to all.
Promo №3. Final before official launch and starting our signature campaign. Trade test.
1. We invite all who have 20+ posts.
2. Sell 2 LTC to our wall (good price) at LTC/BTC pair.
3. Write in this thread a short review how this trade goes, if everything is clear or your suggestions/improvements.
4. PM screenshot where your trade is visible (Last trades on the main page in the lower left corner) + your nickname and LTC adress.
4. Put BTC from this trade on Interest and wait first payout in 24 hours.
5. Once again post in this thread a few words is everything ok with to your BTC deposit.
6. We will pay you 1 LTC.
The limit for this promo - 100 LTC.
Info tambahan, signature dia bakal dibuka dalam 24 jam. Berdoa aja semoga ga jadi sarang spammers atau malah jadi scam.
It has been 7 days has lapse from the date of your posting but still the campaign has not started yet. I am pretty sure people are already excited to wear your signature, and just that recently when you release another promotion.
Do you have any estimated date of release of the signatures?
In 24 hours.