friends will intimidate. I'm sure as a parent we always wanted our kids to grow in a normal way, but considering all those dangers,
and the surroundings that they might be exposed.
They will develop closeness to someone that might introduce them to the kind of activities that we parents are really afraid,
I agree that screening people that will be surround your kids is also part of good parenthood..
Making sure that our kids have good friends and don't spend time with sketchy people is important, but parents can't control everything in the life of their kids. Eventually they are going to leave the house and make decision on their own. Already in high school children will be more independent and might even have rebellious phase where they won't accept anything from their parents. In my opinion it's best to try and make them understand why there are age restrictions on things like gambling or alcohol. Teaching critical thinking and some scepticism can help in later parts of life too. My parents are totally against gambling and never taught me anything about it. I will do the opposite and be very open about gambling with my kids when they are old enough.