Greetings, everyone!
In response to the growing number of unaddressed cases on the forum, we've established this account as a part of BC.Game.
We're genuinely excited to engage in open dialogue, addressing concerns, accusations, and any general questions you may have. Recognizing the paramount importance of trust and transparency, especially in the space we operate in, we look forward to solving every unanswered thread here henceforth. With the creation of this account, our primary focus is to ensure clarity and openness in all matters, particularly those related to user issues. Our newly assembled team will deliver exceptional customer service, promptly address queries, and will strive to foster a supportive community for our users.
We understand the unique dynamics of the Bitcointalk forum and value the insights and concerns of this community. We aim to build trust here through openness and responsiveness to foster a positive user experience. Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or concerns with us. We're here to listen, engage, and collaborate in resolving any issues that arise. Together, we can build a constructive and trustworthy relationship, laying the foundation for a vibrant and supportive community.
We eagerly anticipate the discussions and interactions ahead, and we look forward to building a constructive and trustworthy relationship with the Bitcointalk community.
Support Team
Why were there multiple scam accusations against you, and why are you taking your time in addressing it? Because other casinos respond to them as fast as they possibly could. But the admins behind your casino, it had an impression that you were not going to resolve the issue and explain the situation to the users of the forum.
Plus if you took your time to study those cases, what was "unique" about them that it took you long before making a response to the the people of BitcoinTalk?