I understand my posts comes off as trollish, but I was expecting a little better communication. I don't get why we need to test Iota in the first place if it's not even really meant for GUI or "humans" Shouldn't the machine to machine Iota network been tested months ago and deployed? I just don't really get what were doing at this point? Also, I know you didn't promise GUI, but how the hell are we supposed to buy, sell, send, Iota if we don't even have a simple GUI available? At the core, Iota is very light, simple, fast, so I thought a launch around Azure announcement was reasonable, especially since GUI was supposed to be ready before the announcement. It seems like you are putting a lot on the "community" but it's impossible to create a real community pre-launch.
Alright let me clarify once again:
First and foremost, better communication? We got a dedicated forum, dedicated chat, dedicated twitter, dedicated newsletter, dedicated contact email and we still respond to almost all the IOTA threads on BTT and elsewhere. What more communication do you need?
We have also already stated over a month ago that we're officially moving over to
http://chat.iotatoken.com and
http://forum.iotatoken.com because we don't have time, nor do we want to be on BTT.
IOTA is indeed *primarily* engineered for IoT (though of course it can and is being used for other projects that require a scalable distributed ledger), but that doesn't mean we don't require testing. We're not living in the year 2030+ where programmers have been replaced by super AI's who can produce and debug software on its own yet. This means that humans still have to test the software, we still need engineers to make the IoT devices and create/implement software on said devices. So of course we need testing. IOTA has been tested since January, but the way software is engineered is such that you test simple features first, optimize them and then work your way up, which is what the previous months have gone to. Now we're already at 0.9.4 and close to launch, we're testing full features and have made some huge optimizations in the last month.
As for
GUI, why would you need the
Graphical part to test? Presumably you are an IoT/Ledger developer (since you bought IoT/Ledger software), so you shouldn't even need a UI, but you do have a barebones UI, just without the
G. The
G is only relevant for first impression and ease of use, but not important at all beyond launch party and for speculators.
When we announced IOTA ( 1 month prior to announcing sale ) we let everyone know that IOTA was not a speculative asset, it's not an investment, it is and always will be Internet-of-Things software. It may increase/decrease in value due to its nature of being inherently a limited supply software if the demand for its usage increase, but that's not what the IOTA project is about. In fact I have been VERY vocal and clear on this from day one exactly to avoid having to deal with these issues. Value comes from adoption of the tech, adoption comes from the real world. IOTA is not a p&d.
So repeat after me: you bought IoT software, therefore I assume you need it for some IoT project, or at least a distributed ledger project. I assume this of every IOTA holder, and when it's clear a holder does not have any intention of using IOTA for anything other than piggybacking on other people's blood, sweat and tears for quick profit, well then I tell them to fuck off, because we were 100% open and crystal clear on this from day 1.
Lastly I want to say that OF COURSE I understand that a significant portion of IOTA holders got no tech skills, no tech plans for IOTA and may not even care about IOTA beyond pure profit. I'm a realist and a pragmatic person, but I don't OWE you anything, so when people start using terms like 'blackmail' when we ask people to do (testing) what has always been obvious would be needed, I will respond with "Fuck off". If you JUST want to profit from IOTA, fine, it's a choice you've made, I can't and won't stop you, but you could AT LEAST do the sane (even from a purely egoist speculator POV) thing and not just sit around complaining, but at least contribute something to the COMMUNITY. The Azure news was an announcement, but it's only the beginning. We got big plans for Azure and beyond, we're actively in touch with Microsoft and big news will come out that is way more exciting than just the initial announcement, so stop polluting with negativity and instead do SOMETHING, ANYTHING productive.