I realize that you mean no ill, but believe it or not you come off as incredibly arrogant when you presume to know how we should behave. Maybe it would be better to look at the empirical evidence I.E. the results of our work and behaviour, and accept that reality isn't as you have imagined it. Let results speak for themselves.
We often get complimented by people in large organizations for being so upfront and blunt with trolls in fact, it's something we've had laughs about in meetings and conference calls more times than I can even count. The world isnt' as black/white as you seem to believe.
No, your community-driven approach is good but there is much potential for improvement. The problem is, you don't see the problems and the need for improvement. And you are right, I mean no harm, quiet the opposite, my intention is to be constructive and a mirror of the public perception. Your arguments indicate you think everything is very fine, you do everything right. This is arrogance. Don't stamp every critique instantly as MEME, troll, FUD. It's easy to do so, it's out of the mind quickly. But this way you lose the ability to absorb real feedback and reflect on it. I know I sound patronizing now, maybe I am. I said what I think and I know I am not alone. Use it or not, it's your decision. I wish you best of luck on your way!