Yeah, right
When CySEC is bitching about Bitcoin, you're saying that CySEC is not important, that Central Bank opinion matters.
few weeks ago :
When Central Bank of Cyprus was bitching about Bitcoin, you guys said that Central Bank is not important, but the CySEC opinion matters.
now we have statement from CySEC and in one announcement they mentioned :
"... SEC can not give permission to companies to make derivatives with bitcoin... warnings for investors this is a risk... problem may exist with respect to money laundering... Anonymity is a big issue regarding the bitcoin."
AND about NotLambchop, he's asking normal questions, i really don't know why you still accuse him about trolling. His posts have a point, maybe he's more rational thinking than you, but this is not making him a troll. Rational thinking is important especially in "to the moon" bitcoin securities market.
In business accounts?
Is bitcoin being sold/bought?
In Cyprus?
In 199 other countries?