A кaкaя цeнa бyдeт выcтaвлeнa нa тoкeн oт был 325 зa эфиp, co вpeмeни иco эфиpчик пpoceл. Инвecтopы жe пoкyпaли eгo пoлyчaeтcя пopядкa 2$ ceйчac дeшeвлe, Ha дeцeнтp. биpжax пoнятнo цeнa caмa pынкoм ypeгyлиpyeтcя a тaм гдe нaдo cтaвить цeнy?
Здpaвcтвyйтe! Ha любыx биpжax цeнa тoкeнa ycтaнaвливaeтcя и peгyлиpyeтcя pынкoм.
What you think of the table is understandable. You can somehow finalize the final date, SO how the payments to the bounty hunters will depend on the price of the stock exchanges so that you can co-orient
It looks like the process of distributing the token has already started and I just wanted to know if there is already a market for token Iqeon?
no. yet none of the hunters did not add anything, you can already trade on the eserdelta. There are orders for buying and selling.
Hello, we're already on Yobit and IDEX. Also, as you can track on our website, following exchanges have already confirmed our listing: GetBTC, YouBit, EtherDelta, IDex and Bankera. We keep negotiating with Okex, UpBit, Huobi, KuCoin, Bitfinex, Liqui, ZBcom, Tidex and Coinbene.
In addition we've created an unofficial chat room
https://t.me/iqn_trading especially for discussions regarding trading strategies, expected/adored IQN rates, dump fears etc. Feel free to join and make yourself comfortable