Holy shit.... Did you just admit that racism is stupid?
What if scientists discover that there are actually few separate subspecies of Homo Sapiens? It will speak against multiculturalist political theories and the scientists will be either silenced or declared racists.
Then they would have discovered that humans don't interfuck.
Which they do and that is why we don't really have separate sub species anymore.
This separation has happened in the past when populations of humans were physically separated from the rest. But by now there is not a single strand of pure sub species left and everyone is interbreeding.
Which is good because it brings a lot of new variety to our genome. This is nessesary because we can become genetically overspecialized and can find ourselfs unable to cope with a new environment. We get all kinds of nasty interbreeding related disseases if the gene pool is small. So to be a strong meta-organsim it is vital that we keep recombining our DNA. It is our best survival strategy for the long run.
It's just that we have xenophobia built in because when you're a group of monkeys and another group of monkeys climbs into your tree you will probably need to defend yourself or be kicked out of the tree.
So xenophobia developed to make you hate the other group of monkeys even before they climbed into your tree.
It is even so strong that you don't actually need them to climb into your tree, you just hate them beforehand because they are not in your group of monkey.
And humans do this on all levels.
If you have a school of only white kids you will see exactly the same monkey behaviour except that the groups will need to be formed first. The nerds vs the popular kids etc etc. To prevent this some countries have school uniforms so there is less difference to be made.
With skin color it is easier, of course, because you can just separate yourself on basis of first sight.
I'm white, you're black so we must be in different groups.
And so people automatically start hating.
So this racism has nothnig to do with the actual groups that are being discriminated.
It is about the fact that we constantly try to define these groups to feel secure.
The better you define yourself as part of your social environment, the more safe you feel.
But the better you define your social position the more you will create a barrier to people from other groups.
By deciding that you belong to a certain group you also decide that some others do not belong to that group.