Dont bother fcking complaining because at the time of ordering your batch2 and batch 3, you accepted no QUESTIONs term.
Disclosure: I don't have any pre-order or interests related to avalon hardware. I don't think I am the only one in this thread. Still I do "fcking complain", as you say.
Being in the BTC world does not give right to a company to behave like an ass-hole, or worse, to behave illegaly. And being a BTC customer does not mean you should behave like a sheep, not rising something you consider a very serious problem.
Buddy you may not like it but welcome to Deadwood, gonna be like this for a while in the BTC world IMO. The market gave these companies the power to behave like assholes, operate like sketchy/shoddy organizations (possible illegal?)... LOL Avalon even basically had a LOL FUCK YOU type term (ie no bullshit iirc was how they actually termed it on the website...). And they seemingly see customers as an annoyance. Miners are still doing it this second (KnC, Bitfury etc). The power is the coins and the consumers have them, once the companies have them out of your wallet and into theirs you become so much less important. The consumers have the power they just choose not to use it. I have and I will not be buying ASIC hardware for quite a while if ever because I prefer to deal with legitimate professional organizations of which there are currently exactly 0 IMO (at least according to my criteria anyways).
I disagree there is a huge opportunity for a legitimate business here. Yifu maybe young, but I sincerely hope he is not greedy, or naive, because he may well be turning his nose up at a genuine once in a lifetime business opportunity right in front of him. Integrity is everything...
Oh I agree that there is a HUGE opp for a legitimate company. I think a real company could do phenomenal (seeing as the shoddy ones are cleaning up a good one should conceivably be able to do even better). I just don't see one ATM or in the near future (based on my personal criteria). The reason I don't see one is because the market is not demanding it, if they did we would almost undoubtedly have one already or in the near future at least. Until companies are no longer able to get interest free, low risk OPM it makes very little sense (business wise) to do anything differently, thus my expectation it will continue for a while.