A real muslim can't persecute human and animal
A real muslim protects nature
A real muslim keeps his/her promise
A real muslim never deceives
A real muslim never kills except war
A real muslim can't lie
A real muslim can't be lazy
A real muslim can't drink alcohol or use drugs
A real muslim can't make adultery
A real muslim can't breake heart
A real muslim should be always reliable
A real muslim prays for humanity
A real muslim exactly knows that Allah watches his/her treatments
A real muslim believes in life after death and live up to it.
A real muslim can't play gamble
A real muslim advices good
A real muslim can't be silent against to cruelty
A real muslim helps to eppresseds
A real muslim knows, that world life is an examination only
To be A real muslim is very difficult but to be a real muslim is a sample person among people.
By being a real muslim, you live your life happy and after death a real happiness begins
Only satan can hate a real muslim.