The same stands true for most of the major religions. But in case of Islam, the problem is very much evident. Has anyone ever thought what would have happened to the Muslim nations, if there were no oil / gas reserves? The OPEC nations in the Gulf region, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar are subsidizing the other Muslim nations such as Pakistan and Bangladesh. Without the oil money, these nations will disintegrate.
Without the oil and gas reserves, the world would have left the muslim nations to fight amongst themselves and disintegrate.
The world might have been a safer place to live in.
Better late than never. The crude oil prices have fallen to $30 per barrel from the 2014-levels of $110 per barrel. The price of natural gas, which was going at $400 per thousand cubic meters is now fluctuating between $140 and $150 per thousand cubic meters. Soon the monetary reserves built by the Arab nations will run out. And along with that, their negative influence over the world will also wane.
Low oil and energy prices are said to be great for the consumer, but bad for the stock market.
And here is why you're already dead, you're thinking about the stock market... You're just lost for Humanity.