It's never too late to invest in Bitcoin, as long as it is still pumping and dumping, buying at the dip is the key for you to start your investment journey. Research on your own, don't listen to a YouTuber's opinion, decide for your own based on the results of your own research regarding about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin hasn't even reached the masses yet (yes, there are some countries with limited or no Internet access), so I'd say we have plenty of time to join the craze. Once BTC gets adopted by every single country in the world, market prices will be a lot higher than what they are right now. Probably within the millions of dollars (USD). Besides, Bitcoin hasn't been able to solve the "Blockchain Trilemma' yet. There are scaling issues that not even the Lightning Network has been able to handle them appropriately (it's buggy after all). There's also the issue of privacy where every transaction is visible on the Blockchain. Adding ZKPs would do the trick.
With just 14 years since BTC's inception, a lot has been achieved. Would you imagine how BTC will evolve within the next 10 years? Just keep buying, and holding, and I'll see you in "Mars" soon.