The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It shouldn't be, because it is very likely that the loan agreement was carried out by both parties without involving the other party. for example, children, wife, who are part of the loan. In particular, the money borrowed in this discussion is for gambling. nothing is inherited, because if that happens it means someone else is involved. for example, when borrowing a child and maybe the wife participates or agrees or even signs. but in this context, I believe that is not the case. So, I'm not sure whether this will be strong enough to be brought to court. Likewise with the borrower, they do not have the right to require the child to pay his father's debt, especially for gambling loans. even if the borrower comes to collect their rights and money, if the person who borrowed it is gone as implied in this thread. which means, no one can be held responsible for his father's debts. except, the child and family are willing to resolve the problems that the father has created. In this context, perhaps moral obligations are taken into consideration by the family.
Now we are at the point of addiction, the problem of addiction is actually almost the same as other addictions. It's just that, in this discussion we are talking about gambling addiction. In fact, the problem we face is not just a problem of gambling addiction, this is just part of other addictions that can ensnare someone into taking out lots of loans. After all, there is something much worse than gambling addiction, it's just that gambling has too much of a negative connotation in society. especially, those that are attached to a belief.
The point of this thread is that if there is no express agreement, nothing can be brought to court.