It is still possible to break even. Take KNC Miner for instance, they offer high hashing power ASICs at good prices. Assuming they deliver by October/November, you can definitely still make a ROI. You can find more information about their ASICs and prices at
Good Luck.
Cute. Spamming reseller links.
Also, "Assuming they deliver by October/November" is a big assumption. So far, all the ASIC vendors have been delayed, some substantially. If they're delayed a few months, those calculations shift significantly.
What I love about this post is "all the ASIC vendors have been delayed, some substantially". Throughout the forums and on this thread, the concensus seems to be that difficulty will skyrocket to 500m come Dec because of the huge influx of ASICs to the network hashrate. Guess what, if all the ASIC companies so far have been delayed is it really logical to assume we will see an order of 10x magnitude in 3-4 months? I seriously doubt Cointerra, Avalon, Butterfly, KnC, Hashfast, Bitfury, ASICMiner and every other little guy will deliver ALL their ASICs on time. At best I think you see 2-4 vendors deliver solid goods in the next 3-4 months.
Take into account that a 10x magnitude would be roughly a 10x increase in hash rate, putting the network something like 4,000 TH/s in the next 3-4 months. So 3,600 TH/s get delivered in 3-4 months, sounds like ALOT more happy customers than the ASIC community has been seeing lately....
The fact of the matter is, the assumptions about ROI and difficulty leveling off are also correct. Once the industry realizes adding machines isn't adding to productivity/returns then orders will start to fall off and the craze will definitely fade back. Until then, it leaves alot of room for companies to deliver on their ASIC promises.