What are you talking about? Javascript is fantastic in its ability to be everything (if you abuse it). Node.js is a good example. So is DOOM rendered in JS.
P.S. I think C/C++ stand alone apps are the only "secure" way to do anything these days, and think that Perl beats PHP anyday.
So do most of devs of the more slick and responsive sites I've seen. I honestly do not remember a more functional and responsive experience outside of C++ backend and CGI frontend.
I've been trying to see what CIYAM can do for me. Though, CIYAM is like a boxed templating engine. No coding. So...fail when it comes to thinking out of the box.
Well, CIYAM, from what I can understand, is actually a few things:
On one hand, you have CIYAM Open, which is actually an app in itself built with the actual "CIYAM" software. (You create things from within, like you said, although not necessarily templating). CIYAM Open is intended to use task based work to supposedly provide higher quality results. I have never had luck on places like freelancer, elancer, etc, because the
scammers assholes hard workers there are either over promising and under delivering, or just downright unskilled and misrepresenting themselves. So while you're prepaying them to do something they can't possibly do, they're only thinking about how to do as little work possible (and often purposely fail just so they can keep the "token payment", rinse, repeat). Opposed to that, CIYAM Open was supposed to solve that by forcing people to outline the task at hand, and then bid against each task by others in their field (not by price, but by time-to-complete), forcing the quality to go up, and not throwing all your eggs into one basket. I think it's both nifty and highly secure (as a web app).
On the other hand, CIYAM itself is a highly secure stand alone engine that allows pretty much anything to be built through it securely and simply so that companies (and individuals) can basically design entire software infrastructure (thinks like Facebook, eBay, etc) by just piecing tools together and telling CIYAM what you want. I wouldn't think of it so much as a template as much as an API for creating secure apps. CIYAM is very complex, and CIYAM Open is only now getting simplified. Last I checked there was a full redesign in progress from BitInstant's designer. Can't wait to see it. I guess it will replace sites like Freelancer.
To be honest, I started learning VC++ back when I was learning VB, and it was confusing as fuck for me (I started on BASIC, and everyone says, if you learn VB/BASIC, it fucks you up for real languages-- they're right! I had no idea why you needed to even declare memory space for variables etc! "Isn't that automatic? LAME"). That said, after looking at CIYAM Open and reading about it in Ian's threads, I totally fell in love with C++.
I have *no* idea why anyone would make a financial service these days in anything other than C/C++ now.