Once my finance teacher said - never purchase a house - live your life on the rental. But I didn't like his suggestion and I would like to have my own space be it small or big. But its a treat being a house owner.
It seems that your finance guru isn't a very good teacher and maybe he just can't afford a house yet to give you and others such advice. In my opinion, this is very strange because how can humans live comfortably if every month or year they always have to pay off their house rent? Even though he himself knows that all humans in this world need a home for a comfortable place to live and shelter when they want to rest in peaceful conditions.
But I couldn't stop thinking when he advised other people not to buy a house but instead ordered other people to rent a house, it felt really strange. In fact I laughed when I read the suggestion you made, is he not smart enough to be a finance guru who starts to think illogically for that kind of thing. That is sometimes not all suggestions can be good to use and one of them is a suggestion like what your teacher said.
what you say is true, we don't know what will happen in the future with the health or finances we have and the house is the most important thing when we have nothing left.
the suggestion that it is better to rent a house than to buy is from those who do not have enough money to buy it, that is heresy. lol
there are some things that are better rented than bought, for the purpose of being economical, namely things or goods that are not always used / only needed at certain times.