BD, why do you insist on personifying the universe?
Don't know what you mean. That I know of, I haven't treated the universe as a person. Is that what you mean?
It is far more spectacular and mysterious then anything human? Also you keep referring people back to texts that were applicable to societies living in the stone age.
That we know of, people always had a head, arms, legs, hands feet, and a torso. And they always reproduced the same way that they do now. Since people are the same as they always were - except that nowadays they are not as intelligent because of entropy - why shouldn't age-old texts apply now as they did back then?
While i can accept there are some universal truths they preached, they are also filled with tribalism and dogma.
Regarding Christianity, the dogma that you speak about had to do with living within the governmental authorities of that day. The moral stuff hasn't changed at all.
Moreover most of the formal religions Judaeo Christian and Muslim are allegories of more interesting ancient ideas that were based on real philosophy and science. An example:- The Egyptians supposedly worshiped the sun, but scratch a bit deeper and you realize the Sun god was a cover story for the illiterate masses who likely couldn't comprehend that an obelisk was a sundial that not only worked out the time of day but could be used to chart the seasons etc.
Again, people have lost some of their thinking ability and intelligence due to the ever-present, ever-increasing entropy. The only thing that makes you think that earlier peoples were more ignorant than we are today is, entropy has reduced your thinking ability.
So as time passed and societies grew, allegories evolved to incorporate various tribal cultural aspirations and morals codes. Today we live in a globally connected community that is divided by idiots who cant think for themselves or are being brainwashed by parasites who hide behind shields of religion.
And one of the greatest false religious qualities of today is that people need less religion and less dogma than they did in the past. The truth is, because of the widespread idiocy - which you alluded to above - people need the dogma embedded and entrenched into them more strongly than ever.
We need move past dogma and to take a very critical look at all aspects of our different cultures, celebrate that which is appropriate and worthy (for which there is a lot) and abandon that which retarded.
Start by taking a look at the history of the making of the Bible. Once you see it in detail, you will know that the Bible is an impossible to exist book... except for the fact that it does exist. This shows you that there is power behind it. That power is God.
Yes science does not have all the answers it does not address the metaphysical, it can only attempt explain that which can be measured the metaphysical cannot be measured. Our consciousness, our emotions and the questions of where we have come from and will go to will never be fully understood by science. The universe is far more enchanting then simple measurements.
As I said in my previous post, science will take a hundred thousand years (figurative for a very long time) to ever figure anything spiritually important out. You can see part of the reason why by going back to that post and looking.
Here is the conundrum, mathematics is a supernatural metaphysical language that science uses to describe the physical universe.
The bigger conundrum is that few people are willing to understand that there is no math in nature. Math is a virtual language developed by mankind so that man can express in language the things that he sees. Since math was made by man, it is flawed. After all, if man wasn't flawed, he could keep himself alive forever.
Ultimately both science and religions face the same paradoxical question of how nothing makes itself and everything?
Except for the fact that it doesn't. God makes everything.
While almost all agree intelligent design permeates the universe, none can explain how this came to pass? If it is by the hand of a creator then how then did that creator create itself?
Most people don't even recognize that math is a man-language. So, how in the world are they going to figure out how the Creator created the universe, or the fact that the Creator always existed and never was made like the creation was?
To me, the most objective conclusion is that we are living parts of a living universe. There is no need to personify the whole or insert some imaginary benevolent deity existing outside the universe.
Go ahead and believe your science fiction story. It's just another religion.
Everything in the universe is interconnected but also uniquely occupies time and space. Like the universe our conciseness is self evolving,
Well, self-devolving.
it does so with an emotional processor that is driven by inputs from our environment though our five senescence.
Most of the stimuli doesn't come through the 5 senses. Most of it comes through simple cause and effect movement of electrons, protons, atoms and molecules in our brain. All of this has been pre-programmed by God at the Beginning.
Why did you use the word "senescence" in conjunction with the number 5? It almost doesn't make any sense at all.
Our self awareness affords us the ability to develop our own operating system biased by our environment. Like mater and energy our consciousness most likely can be transformed and does not expire. The Universe is ALIVE! Grow with it!
But you don't know this. And it will take a long time for science to figure it out, or that it is not true. By that time your great-great-grandchildren will be long dead and gone... probably to Hell if they follow in your footsteps.