I think not it has always been there and will always remain its an eternal masterpiece that permeates every conceivable facet or reality yet in its self it is purely abstract. Without it nothing would exist, but it in itself it is nonexistent and existent at the same time. It is the language of the living universe. Its permutations are infinite, yet it did not grow, it has always been complete and eternal.
I don't follow this. How does your statement suggest that science is a religion? How are you defining religion? A la BADecker ("Religion is anything you feel strongly about -- gods, war lawyers, that guy who cut in front of you in traffic on your way to work") or the usual way (requiring gods and belief in the supernatural etc).
Absolutely. Anything that you feel strongly enough about to make it part of your life theme, is part of your personal religion.
That's why so many atheists flock together in communications contact if not actual physical contact. Religious strength in numbers.
Ah, ok. I'm religious in the same way you're an atheist - as a matter of definition.
To quote my previous response to you:
If science is religion, you're an atheist. How can you tell? There are thousands of religions and many more gods that exist (with our without followers today), and we can realistically expect that in our prehistoric past that there have been many times this number. Yet you believe in only one.
One definition of an atheist is that it is someone who does not believe in gods. To believe in only one of thousands of gods means that you're 99.9% atheist.
Therefore you are approximately an atheist, and as the number of gods that have ever been claimed to exist approaches infinity, your atheism approaches 100%.
When a group of people get together to design a car, they all have to be on the same page. If they are not, the pistons won't fit the cylinders. The windows won't fit the holes made for them. The wiring will be all mixed up.
The point, and the fault of your thinking? The universe is so extremely complex that God must be One. If He weren't, it wouldn't have worked from the get-go.
Sometimes parts of a new car model don't fit together. The car has to go back to the drawing board until all the engineers and builders get on the same page. But there is one guy/gal who okays the new car. And it better be right this time, or heads will roll.
There is One God. The devil was the engineer who engineered imperfection in the universe. And he did it intentionally. He will be gone regarding the new universe... fired, so to speak.
People believe in many gods. Many people mistakenly believe wrong things about the only God. It looks like there are many gods. But there is only one real God.
No, you've totally missed the point. I don't care about how many gods you think there are, just that there have been many claimed to exist and you (and other monotheists) claim that only one is real, and if that's the case then my point stands.
The logical error -- the "fault of thinking", if you will -- that I demonstrate here is an example of what happens taking a very narrow definition of a word and then attempt to generalise it beyond what the acceptable definition of that word is -- much as you do for the word "religion".