I will tell you a few things:
the basic knowledge of religion and science is different
knowledge with science is also different,
knowledge is everything that we know (knowledge) that includes knowledge about religion (from various religions, be it christian, khatolik, budha, hindu, animism, islam etc.)
while science is a human knowledge based on empirical experience and evidenced coherently through scientific methods,, with the same methods and steps, science can be verified by different people with different times and territoriesprovided that the same scientific method and method.
whereas religion or the science of religion, is the human knowledge of the Creator, it is not based on the scientific method, because it involves the spiritual which is not visible to our naked eye, but the inner eye of man, therefore the basis of religion is belief, dogma, or teachingscertain who embrace the faith of each human being.therefore, religion and science can not be united and inviolable.
But scientists are too ignorant to tell even how the universe began. Big bang is only a theory, an idea, and doesn't really cover most of the facts that we seen in the universe right around us on earth.
Yet many scientists believe BB really happened. Others even believe it was the way that the universe came into being. Since they don't know that the earth came into being this way, they have made science into a religion for themselves.
Then the media says that BB is the way that the earth came into being, because the scientists have found strong evidence. So the media spreads a scientific religion when there is no real proof. Average people become believers in this science religion.
A bigger science religion is evolution. Evolution might work well inside its own theory, but 100% of the evidence for evolution is something that can happen completely apart from evolution. Evolution is just a story.
Same with black hole theory. The theory about what a BH is, could easily be entirely incorrect. In fact, some of BH theory contradicts basic scientific geometry, like the part where all the mass and energy of a BH exists at one point. Standard scientific geometry says that a point doesn't have any size whatsoever. So it is nothing, not great mass and energy.
Science is a bigger religion in some ways than any of the formal religions, because in many cases, people believe it when they don't
know it is true.