you can not do it, as you are using theories, treat me like a court i only accept physical evidence, hearsay and conjecture are not evidence, you see i have a brain that thinks for it self, theorem is conjecture
Well mathematics and classic algebra are based on rather simple assumption:
a constant a(x+y)=ax+ay
if a constant and ax=0 then a=0 or x=0
You got also some geometrical assumption like:
two parallel lines never cross
the sum of the angles of a triangle is always 180°
They seem rather obvious no?
The idea is that assumptions can't be proven because to demonstrate something you have to base yourself on something else. So you have at a moment or another to say "ok I'll assume this is true" otherwise you can't do anything, never ever.
hmmmmm lets see, there are 360 degrees in a circle, allegedly a representation of the earths so called rotation of the sun, problem being we know that actually takes 364.25 days, maths is yet another series of predictable outcomes im afraid and is still theorem based, so you have still offered up zero physical evidence im afraid your just pushing the oldest BBB theory in the book
Nobody says Earth rotation around the sun is a circle! We teach that to the children cause it's simple but everyone know it's not a circle!!!
And I don't see your point... I was saying that science is based on assumption and those assumptions are rather simple... You can't prove those assumptions, it's the base of everything. How could you prove them? You just gotta admit them that's all.
you clearly do not live on the same planet i do lol
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