Trendon may have worked there around the same time Nakaska did; Evidenced from him replying to a msg on TLP's Merchnatcircle page
and titling himself as Director. But not stating director of what. the reply email he listed is a default corporate one for TLP's HR/Marketing office.
Why use me to lead into that??
I am well aware of how titles are not necessarily an indication of actual 'rank' in a company.
I have been trying my best to just discern the information available in a way that limits the amount of 'reading too much into' any of it that others have been doing quite regularly.
By 'titling himself', I was implying that he had affixed the title to his name on Merchant Circle where he had replied to the question there. And then I followed with the possiblity that he could have held such a title but that it would have been in marketing or IT area there. I did not want others to 'read into;' the orginal finding of the title as him holding a higher position with TLP than he likely would have.
TL;DR I agree with what you're saying but you're saying it to the wrong person....