So tell me what you think Bitcoin is gonna do in the next 6-12 months as transactions per second blow up.
Lifting the limit would be trivial in and of itself; the problem is much bigger than that.
See, "loaded" Bitcoin blocks don't propagate as well as "empty" blocks which is why Bitcoin's transaction limit is at around 7 per second. They're gonna need much more than that very soon.
If only Bitcoin was fully mature [or another coin just like it].
Guess what: iXcoin is going to have empty blocks in a few months so it will then be able to literally handle many more transactions per second than Bitcoin [while being merge mined with Bitcoin ("magic numbers")] time tested and very widely distributed.
You understand programming much better than me so I'm sure you can figure out what could happen next to solve Bitcoin's transaction limit problem.
There must be a good reason the likes of has such an interest in iXcoin.