Oh, yes. That's maybe the answer to how to allow people to risk only 0.1% of their investment without having to micro-manage things. Except you don't mean "edge", I'm sure.
Change the risk level to 0.1%, but default to 10x leverage (a). Is that equivalent to 1% risk with 1x (ie. no) leverage (b)?
In (b), investor has 100 BTC, risks 1% per roll. After losing 1 max bet, investor has 99 BTC and risks 0.99 BTC on next roll.
In (a), investor has 100 BTC, says they have another 900 locally, risks 0.1% of the (100+900) total. After losing 1 max bet, investor has 99 BTC on site and claims to have 900 "locally". New (invested+local) = 99+900 = 999, so risks 0.999 on next roll.
Hmm. They're different. The amount lost is the same in both cases, but the increased leverage in (a) means that the amount risked goes down less per loss. It seems there's no longer a way for the guy who wants to risk 1% of his investment per roll to carry on doing so as he was before. And that's no good.
Why would anyone want to have a risk level at 0,1%, that would probably mean they would have an expected monthly return of somewhere in the region of 0,2-0,5% when things stabalize if you allow people to have a risklevel from 0,1% to 1,0-2,0%
Right. I'm trying to help a hypothetical potential millionaire investor invest without (a) having to send me his entire bankroll just to risk 1% of it per roll and (b) having to micro-manage the amount he has with me to keep it at a fixed percentage of the total he wants to be invested.
So suppose he has a million coins. He wants to risk 10k coins per roll, but doesn't trust me to hold a million coins. Hell, I screwed up withdrawing 1300 to celeste - who knows what else I'm capable of, right? So he sends me 100k coins and tells me he has 900k more available locally. I then set about letting him risk 10k per spin, and keep track of his total balance (it goes up and down from 1 million). The 900k is constant. It's what he really has in his own cold wallet, presumably.
First if there is a single person sitting at 1 000 000+ BTC at the moment the chance that he/she want to invest that much in a single BTC business would be pretty small.
Second what good would a million BTC from a single investor be to JD, it will only reduce the profit for you and other big investors Dooglus, it's not very likely JD or any other BTC gambling site will be getting bets risking 10 000 BTC anytime soon, thats around a million USD bet at 50%
Third if you allow people to have risklevels of up to 100% with or without potentially "fake" coins that excists or do not excists in there local wallet then all people that don't risk the same high % will get a drastically decreased share of the expected profit(or losses) if one or several large investors risk extremely high levels, up to 100% per bet.
Lets for example then say 1 000 000 invested with or without fakecoins at 100% risk per bet and another 10 000 real coins at 1% risklevel per bet.
If someone in the future then wanting 0,1% risk exposure, they would then only be exposed to around just 1/1000 of what it is now at 1% and would probably be looking at 0,002-0,005% expected monthly interest on there investments
So for different levels of risked per bet it would probably look something like this then:
Risked compared expected
per bet to how monthly
it's now profit
0,1% 1/1000 0,002-0,005%
0,5% 1/200 0,01-0,025%
1% 1/100 0,02-0,05%
2% 1/50 0,04-0,10%
5% 1/20 0,10-0,25%
10% 1/10 0,20-0,50%
20% 1/5 0,40-1,00%
50% 1/2 1,00-2,50%
100% 1/1 2,00-5,00%
Is this really how you like to have it, at the moment people are looking at an expected profit at around 15% a month on there investment in JD and they only risk 1% per bet.
Why would you possible want to force the investors to risk an extremely high part, maby even towards 100% of there investment in a single bet for them to have the same expected profit(if one or several large investors would risk extremely high percentages of there capital on a single bet) with hardly any possitive effect out of it ?
If then some gambler with a real bankroll of a few hundred thousend coins comes in, they could with very high likelyhood wipe out those that has risked 100% with there "fakecoins" and in reallity only have 10 000 BTC(that they invested) but is represented as 1 000 000 BTC for a 100% real risklevel.
Even if investors woun't go to such extreme levels, if just some big investors raise there risklevel significant, all other investors that want to keep there risklevel at 1% will suffer a lot from it unless those that risk to much will get busted.