
Topic: : now with added CLAMs : Play or Invest - page 58. (Read 454878 times)

Activity: 420
Merit: 10
Chinese translation by 12coins,address:xNN2Zfft9wyQXuW1fdDNByg1WT3XDus2TE

•   这是什么网站?
•   1%的赌场抽水意味着什么?
•   什么是CLAM(贝壳币),我如何获取它?
•   我如何获取免费CLAM?
•   股份:我们只有1.0000 CLAM 股份,它意味着什么?
•   什么是线下投资?
•   我的CLAM钱包一直在同步,怎么加速它?
•   如何充值?
•   如何提现?
•   这个游戏怎么玩的?
•   什么是抽水?
•   什么是最大利润?
•   什么是运气值?
•   在bet列表里的颜色代表什么?
•   我可以用我账户的钱到SatoshiDice等网站玩吗?
•   为什么投注这么慢?
•   有自动投注吗?
•   我可以撤销吗?
•   我被要求用自己的地址签发信息,该怎么做?
•   如果我上瘾怎么办?
•   这个是个骗局吗?旁氏骗局?会破产吗?
•   给我看些网站历史上有意思的赌局好吗?
•   为什么有个家伙一直赢 5%场的赌局?
•   如何打赏你?
•   聊天室有个"dooglus",他是真实身份吗?
•   聊天室命令有哪些?是IRC吗?
•   如何联系你?


这是什么网站? 这个网站是一个CLAM博彩网站,在这里你可以用你的CLAM进行快捷的游戏,且赌场抽水仅为1%.先选择一下多少赌注,然后选择“hi或lo”掷骰子并获得即时的结果:赢或输.还有个聊天室,在这里你可以和其它玩家互动.他们有时可能会试图说服你下注.:)


CLAM是一个分布广泛的去中心化的股权证明类型的数字货币。你可以登录官网 和BTT发布帖 查看相关介绍。


2014年5月12号,我们保存了比特币、莱特币、狗狗币在区块链上的快照。那一刻所有的地址都被免费分配了4.60545574 个CLAM。这是初始分配,也是所有的CLAM的来源。这个举措是为了保证CLAM被尽量公平的发布,因为任何一个拥有以上三种币的人都自动的得到了免费的CLAM。
   比特币区块 300377 (2014-05-12 12:48:17)
   莱特币区块 565693 (2014-05-12 13:06:31)
   狗狗币区块 218556 (2014-05-12 13:09:17)
输入/dig ADDRESS检查是否有免费的CLAM在给定的地址上,以及是否已经被申领。
输入/dig ADDRESS PRIVKEY申领给定地址上的CLAM并发送到Just-Dice的充值地址. PRIVKEY是在WIF或hex格式下的相关私钥


假设你有1000个币。你应把它们发送到充值地址并全部投资进去。你可以把1000个金币委托给Just-Dice ,承担相应的风险。或者,你可以只充值100个币并投资进去,然后告诉网站你还有900个币想要投资。你把这些币保存在你的个人钱包,但是他们也可以算作Just-Dice的资金池的一部分。你可以按照1000个币的标准分享你的盈利和亏损。如果网站运气很差,你的100个币将缩水到无法维持一个单一最大利润损失的话,你的900个币将被遗忘。你的投资将只剩下初始的100个币,这样你就不会陷入网站的债务。
申报异地硬币,同正常情况下一样充值和投资,然后在聊天栏用/offsite命令,后面附上你异地的硬币数量。例如/offsite 900就是告诉网站“我有900个硬币,我要考虑异地投资”。 /offsite可以在24小时内用5次,你还可以使用 /offsite 0在任何时候以取消您的异地投资。如果你设置有2FA认证选项,/offsite命令将需要2FA代码。
命令,每一个访问者都可以免费获取1000个筹码。可以试着投资一些,玩一下/offsite 命令看看它是如何工作的。如果你输入/offsite max 他将申报最大数量的异地硬币。当有人赢得一个大赌注的话,这可能会使你失去你投资硬币的一半。用Doge-Dice熟悉异地投资的特征可以有效防止一些失误导致的损失风险,尤其是对Just-Dice上的新特点来说。

可以,下载 bootstrap.dat, 放到你CLAM钱包的 wallet.dat同一个文件夹里, 重启你的钱包。钱包将花费一小时左右把bootstrap文件导入,结束后将重命名成'bootstrap.dat.old'。你可以删除它。


在充值按钮'deposit' 边上有个'withdraw' 提现按钮。你需要等你充值的币达到足够的确认后才可以提现。需要的数量是你提现数的平方后整数部分的位数。所以31个CLAM的提现需要3个确认(31 * 31 = 961)32个则需要4个确认(32 * 32 = 1024)。

•   选择一个chance to win
•   设置下注数额bet size
•   点击roll hi或roll lo取决于你认为骰子结果是高还是低(或者在键盘按键H或L); 按钮上的黑色矩形表示键盘快捷键)
或者,你也可以选择payout倍投和chance to win 将为您计算获胜几率.
还有,你可以选择profit设置你想要的赢取金额, bet size需要的投注额将为您计算好。


什么是max profit最大利润?
这个max profit最大利润指示器告诉你赌场为每次摇注的风险准备了多少,它取决于资金池的大小。这个数量不会因为你的获胜几率改变而变化。它将根据资金池金额的扩增和缩水进行实时的调整。
例如,假设max profit最大利润是 500个CLAM。
•   或者你可以用10个CLAM下51倍注(1.94%的几率赢取)来赢取510个CLAM,你的赢利也将是500个CLAM.
•   另一方面你也可以用49000个 CLAM下注 1.0102倍 (98% 的几率赢取)赢取 49500 个CLAM,你的赢利也是500CLAM.

例如,假设你在玩一个50%获胜几率的游戏(也就是,1.98倍的赔率)你押注1个CLAM然后输了。你押了2个CLAM,又输了。你又加倍,输了4个CLAM,然后你押了8个CLAM,赢了。你已经玩了4次,只赢了一次。你的运气指数是50%,因为正常你应该赢2次,但是你的赢利却是正的。你失去了1+2+4 = 7 CLAM,然后赢了0.98*8 = 7.84 CLAM,净赢利0.84CLAM.

•   玩家赢了就是绿色, 然后
•   输了就是红色.
•   玩家赢则是绿色,
•   如果他们下了相反的赌注 (hi对lo)如他们赢了的话呈现红色, 然后
•   不管他们选择的是哪个方向,如果他们都会赢,将呈现金褐色,还有
•   如果他们无论如何投注都没有办法赢,将呈现灰色.

为了尽可能的缩减在线的币数量,Just-Dice 使用了一个分享型热钱包。大多数的充值会立即被转移到离线钱包存储起来。所以你如果提现的话,那将是别人最近充值的资金。

•   下注 0.00000000 CLAM 延迟 3 秒
•   下注0.00000001 CLAM到0.00000009 CLAM延迟by 1秒
•   下注0.00000010 CLAM到0.00000099 CLAM延迟by 0.8秒
•   下注0.00000100 CLAM 到 0.00000999 CLAM延迟by 0.6秒
•   下注0.00001000 CLAM到0.00009999 CLAM延迟by 0.4秒
•   下注0.00010000 CLAM到0.00099999 CLAM延迟by 0.2秒
•   下注0.00100000 CLAM 或更多,没有延迟

没有内置的机器人功能。有一个第三方的 google chrome addon 也许对你有帮助.但需要你自担风险;我们没有核查它的代码也不能保证他的安全性如何。


•   如果你用的是clam-qt,去'接收(receive)' 界面,选择地址(address), 点击 '签发消息(sign message)',在中间输入信息,点击 'sign message', 然后复制/粘贴这个地址,这个消息,和这个签名.这里有个截图.

你也可以选择"Account(账户)"栏底部的设置,开启冷却期。“When rolling, delay my results by   seconds (下注时,延迟我的结果__秒。) "

•    (a) 我们可以在漏报投资金额。作为一个投资者,你可以根据每个星期日的更新情况检查是不是投资者的账户。每个人都可以检查,包括他们的投资额。
•   (b) 我们可以花费投资者的币。你可以根据网站的全体投资人基金地址:xJDCLAMZ9rQ11tMf7JUw1Zzvjm5ShkryrU来确认是否动用了这笔资金,(也许会等一会时间,因为这个地址太活跃了)。
      $ clamd verifymessage xJDCLAMZ9rQ11tMf7JUw1Zzvjm5ShkryrU \
            HFFhqxr1CdNGtHdxon5p8K2WvaA9LggehuGdfVAa2zZMVYevPPENNwmKs0uib6bb21YFVnzzieXHibi YNq4rnsE= \
            "This address is owned by"
      > > true





命令经常变动,但有一点不变,就是输入帮助命令/help 。不是IRC聊天,只是简单的网页聊天。

如果你要联系我们,请一定通过以下邮件: [email protected] (如果你需要加密信息,我的GPG key是4BE6A010492A358E).
dooglus(1)和Deb (2)经常在聊天里呆着,但并不能确保他们会发现你在说什么。所以,如果是重要的事情,请用以上的邮箱地址联系吧。
论坛上有二个帖子: 一个是对玩家的和 一个是对投资者的
在 Deb的博客 上评论,她经常在上面不时发布一些Just-Dice 上的时事。

Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
Thanks for answering my earlier questions.  I really like the change to only display the onsite coins as the "bankroll."  I'm also glad that you decided to credit staking based on on-site coins versus claimed coins.

Thanks and good luck.
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
So with the current thin market problem and me having  a couple thousand CLAMS there really is no reason to invest using your site anymore is there? Unless claims thousands of more CLAMS than I really have I'll never see any of the profits with the pot this big. And all the big investors are protected because no on that wants to bet big can even enter considering thin market.

The #1 investor at the moment wasn't even on the site until a few days ago.

I guess I was misunderstanding how people saw the risks.

It seems it wasn't:
  "I value CLAM but don't want to store them all on a dice site",
it was:
  "I value BTC, don't trust CLAM's price not to crash, but will buy some CLAM if I can use leverage"

ie. he's more concerned about the currency risk than the CP risk. He can now dominate the JD bankroll without having to own 60% of all the CLAM in the world by taking a huge risk with the relatively small number of coins he bought. If he loses them, he can just buy the same amount again, possibly even from the guy who wins.

It appears that what has happened isn't that the relatively small investors we had before moved their coins offsite, but that the whale investors we never appealed to before now have a way in.

So obviously that sucks for the small investors. They've seen their share of the bankroll drop to a tenth of its previous level. And obviously it's good for the big investors, since they can now increase the size of their investment to the level they want it at.

I value the idea but I think this fucks every investor on your site except the top5. Granted I'm sure the top5 pay the bottom line so maybe it doesn't matter and they hold all the risk for you?

"The bottom line" is that I take 10% of player losses. It doesn't make any difference whether the bankroll was provided by 100 equally sized investments or one huge one. The player losses are presumably the same in both cases.

I used to have a decent percentage of the bankroll myself, and now I don't. So I can see where you're coming from. The change has fucked me too in that respect. My coins are still invested, and still staking. In a sense it's safer than before. If gordo wins 2k off the site, something like 70% of his winnings come directly from the biggest two investors. For the small investor JD has recently become a lot more like a staking pool and a lot less like a place to "be the casino". Be clear that staking rewards are allocated as before : in proportion to the size of your onsite investment only.

Edit: I just checked the stats. There are the individual and cumulative returns on an account with 0 offsite coins declared since shortly after launch:

Why don't you force players to sign a message from their cold storage addresses confirming they actually have the coins they claim to have. Then only count the lesser of the amount of coins that are in those address(es) or the amount they claim to have (they may not want to use all of their cold storage for the bankroll).

This would prevent people from lying about the amount of coins they have and would keep the bankroll more "honest"

1) it would probably just cause a market to appear for address signing services.
  "want to leverage at JD but don't have the offsite coins? no problem, we'll sign a message for you!"

2) I'm OK with the "lying". The Kelly criteria tells you what fraction of your "bankroll" to risk on each bet when you have a positive expection. There's no reason your "bankroll" has to all be converted into CLAM. Suppose I have a bankroll of 100 BTC and want to invest on JD. Should I convert my whole 100 BTC into 20,000 CLAM so I can deposit 2,000 of them to JD and be able to prove that I have 18,000 more offsite? That seems a silly requirement. I'm much more likely to convert 10 BTC into 2,000 CLAM, deposit it all to JD and "lie" about having 18,000 more offsite. If I lose the 2,000 onsite, maybe I'll convert another 10 BTC and repeat.

So basically 2 investors is risking BTC in the form of Clams with 100x leverage with possibly no care of utilizing CLAMS but to just have JD Tokens, while not allowing any liquidity for someone to come gamble because of Poloniex's horrible market depth.

CLAM is a Piece Of Shit coin but this shows the evidence a Sidechain pegged coin would work with this and Dooglus capping an Investment amount that he would feel comfortably HODLing.  

Dude, don't you work for a university? I can barely grasp what you're trying to say here.

None of this is specific to CLAM, or proof-of-stake. I know you're upset that JD doesn't use BTC any more but that's how it is now. Get over it, please.

"capping an Investment amount" : I don't want to artificially limit the bankroll size. I figure the market will cause it to limit itself

"feel comfortably HODLing" : Someone recently observed that JD now has a cold wallet again. I scratched the idea of a cold wallet, because CLAM is proof-of-stake, and people want their coins staking, not sitting idle on a piece of paper. Now you hold your own part of the site's "cold wallet". If you have 20k CLAM to invest, deposit 2k, declare the other 18k offsite, and hold them yourself. Leave enough for day-to-day operation on the site, and keep the rest safe. So the site is the "hot wallet" and your offsite coins are the "cold wallet". Now I can't steal the cold wallet because you hold it yourself. Maybe your part of the cold wallet is in BTC, or USD, or whatever you like.
Activity: 4018
Merit: 1250
Owner at
So you're still a top5 investor then. You just don't have your coins on site... Not sure how that negated my argument of weak barrier to entry for whales and small investors now having insignificant roles.

No... I was a top 5 investor and now I'm a piss ant Tongue.

Not arguing with you. Just telling you that leverage didn't help at least 1 top five investor via earning through dice play Smiley  I'm sure many other top 10s are in the same spot.

Some guy with 1000 can risk them like 100,000 if he has the BTC to buy another 1000 if he loses.

I think the leverage is better for the little guys due to the A: Thin Markets and B: Little easier to lose 1000 coins than 10,000.  Leverage at 100x = 2 max wins and gg.
sr. member
Activity: 356
Merit: 250
I value the idea but I think this fucks every investor on your site except the top5. Granted I'm sure the top5 pay the bottom line so maybe it doesn't matter and they hold all the risk for you?

Ya... strongly disagree with this.

I went from a top 5 investor to a piss ant because I'm trying to use the leverage as it was supposed to be used.  I keep no coins off site, so I don't leverage anything.  

People are using the leverage as reducing risk by not holding a altcoin rather than using leverage to stake their own altcoins... I think is the issue.  I'm still thinking on this though. I think this will be a good thing over all and time will work it out.

Good job as always Dooglus.


I also believe we are due for a winner, so by not leveraging I take less chance of getting hit + I still get normal stakes.  If there was another option for earning stakes without the security risks of keeping the coins on me I would be all over it because 10% is steep!  

Someone make a 1% pool PLEASE! It would be really great if a already trusted Bitcoin mining pool did this for our sweet little community.  I think it would be profitable as well for them and shouldn't take much computer power at all.

I would be interested in offering a bounty for the right person(s). Please feel free to PM me.

So you're still a top5 investor then. You just don't have your coins on site... Not sure how that negated my argument of weak barrier to entry for whales and small investors now having insignificant roles.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1007
Why don't you force players to sign a message from their cold storage addresses confirming they actually have the coins they claim to have. Then only count the lesser of the amount of coins that are in those address(es) or the amount they claim to have (they may not want to use all of their cold storage for the bankroll).

This would prevent people from lying about the amount of coins they have and would keep the bankroll more "honest"

It's been stated over and over. It doesn't matter how many coins they have. Some might want to invest but hold Bitcoin instead. That's their choice. What matters is how much risk they are willing to take. No more, no less. If you have 1 CLAM and want to act like you have 100, that's your choice. But if you lose that CLAM due to a whale getting a single good roll, that's your own fault.

Signing messages means nothing because nobody cares how many coins you actually have.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Why don't you force players to sign a message from their cold storage addresses confirming they actually have the coins they claim to have. Then only count the lesser of the amount of coins that are in those address(es) or the amount they claim to have (they may not want to use all of their cold storage for the bankroll).

This would prevent people from lying about the amount of coins they have and would keep the bankroll more "honest"
Activity: 4018
Merit: 1250
Owner at
I value the idea but I think this fucks every investor on your site except the top5. Granted I'm sure the top5 pay the bottom line so maybe it doesn't matter and they hold all the risk for you?

Ya... strongly disagree with this.

I went from a top 5 investor to a piss ant because I'm trying to use the leverage as it was supposed to be used.  I keep no coins off site, so I don't leverage anything.  

People are using the leverage as reducing risk by not holding a altcoin rather than using leverage to stake their own altcoins... I think is the issue.  I'm still thinking on this though. I think this will be a good thing over all and time will work it out.

Good job as always Dooglus.


I also believe we are due for a winner, so by not leveraging I take less chance of getting hit + I still get normal stakes.  If there was another option for earning stakes without the security risks of keeping the coins on me I would be all over it because 10% is steep!  

Someone make a 1% pool PLEASE! It would be really great if a already trusted Bitcoin mining pool did this for our sweet little community.  I think it would be profitable as well for them and shouldn't take much computer power at all.

I would be interested in offering a bounty for the right person(s). Please feel free to PM me.
sr. member
Activity: 356
Merit: 250
So with the current thin market problem and me having  a couple thousand CLAMS there really is no reason to invest using your site anymore is there? Unless claims thousands of more CLAMS than I really have I'll never see any of the profits with the pot this big. And all the big investors are protected because no on that wants to bet big can even enter considering thin market.

I value the idea but I think this fucks every investor on your site except the top5. Granted I'm sure the top5 pay the bottom line so maybe it doesn't matter and they hold all the risk for you?
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1333
I've been working on code to allow big investors to reduce their counter-party risk by declaring "offsite" coins that they want to invest.

It goes like this (in the prototype):

You have 10k coins. You want to invest them at JD, but you don't want to trust them to a dodgy dice site that might run off with them. You also don't want to contribute to the centralisation of all the CLAMs.

So you deposit 1000 coins, invest them, then in the chat you type "/cold 9000" which means "I have 9000 more coins in at home that I also want to invest". The site takes you at your word, adds another 9k to the bankroll, and you get to risk 0.5% of the 10k total on every roll from now on. The max profit on the site goes up an extra 180 in addition to the 20 it went up when you invested the 1000.

If the site does badly you'll take losses, and they come out of the 1k you deposited. If it ever gets to the point that you can no longer afford for the site to suffer a full max-profit loss without it driving your on-site investment negative, your "/cold" command will be undone, and you'll be left with just whatever is left of your initial 1000 coins invested.

This gives you all the benefits of depositing and investing your full 10k bankroll with only 10% of the counter-party risk.

I've put a rough prototype up at for you to try it out. It spams the chat with INFO: lines about upcoming forced divestments and such like, which wouldn't appear in a final release, but I think they help make it clearer what's going on. It also gives you a target to aim for - "if I win just 2k more I can force out of their position" etc.

So I figure it's worth having people play around with it before making any decisions about how and whether to go live with it on JD. The test site uses worthless play coins. You get 100 free with every new account, and people are mostly happy to tip them to you if you run out. Please let me know if you discover any issues with it, and I'd like to hear comments and ideas about how it should be changed before going live on JD.

Currently you can set your "/cold" amount to be anything up to 199 times your actual onsite investment amount, meaning the total of onsite and offsite investments can be up to 200 times your actual onsite amount. Since you risk up to 0.5% of your investment per roll, that means that specifying the maximum of 199 times for the offsite amount is effectively saying you are prepared to risk your entire deposit per roll. That's clearly insane.

Some have suggested that I should pick a nice low maximum multiplier, like 10x or something. But I worry that if the maximum is half sensible then everyone will use it, whether they have coins offsite or not. What should the maximum be?

I notice that with this system there's no way to risk less than 0.5% of your deposit per roll. So how about if we lower the max-profit-percent to 0.1%, and increase the maximum multiplier to 1000x - this gives the same top limit, but allows ultra-conservative people the chance of running at 1/10 Kelly.

Another question is how to distribute the staking rewards. If there are two investors, both deposit 1000 coins, and one uses "/cold 3000" to increase his effective investment to 4000, he now has 80% of the bankroll, and gets 80% of all betting profits and losses. But what about staking rewards? Should he also get 80% of those? Or should they be split in proportion to the actual onsite invested amount, since those are the only coins that are earning staking rewards?

Lots of questions - hopefully I'll get some thoughtful answers... Smiley

The testing is going well. I still need to limit changes in user offsite balances to maybe 5 changes per day, because the test site suggests that otherwise people will mess with it constantly which is annoying for players. Aiming at a constantly changing maximum profit gets tiresome fast.

I also need to add some documentation and warnings. It's easy to lose your whole balance very quickly if you use the /cold feature without understanding it.

I have it sharing out the stakes based only on onsite investment amounts now.

I guess I'll be putting it on JD in 2 or 3 days.

I put the code live immediately after yesterday's commission run, at midnight.

Very quickly the "bankroll" shot up due to people declaring offsite coins, but the actual coins on the site didn't change much at all. One of our big investors sold a significant part of his balance to a newcomer, but the newcomer left it on the site. We now have a bankroll of 4.6 million CLAMs, most of which don't exist.

Are you happy with the rollout of this feature?  So far it does not appear to have led to investors moving coins off site to minimize counter party risk.  JD shows as invested as 5 times the total amount of clams that have been dug. 

I'm a little disappointed that nobody has moved their coins offsite, since that was the whole point of adding the feature. Then again, even I haven't moved any of mine offsite.

I think part of the problem is that there's not really anywhere else to put them. I have a pretty poor Internet connection and so can't stake from a local machine with any reliability. I don't know of any "staking pool" where I can have someone else stake my coins for me and take a fee, so what option am I left with? I expect most investors feel the same way, except that rather than blaming their Internet connection they'll say they can't be bothered to learn how to stake efficiently.

I'm thinking some of your investors are not being totally honest about how many coins they have!   Cheesy  I realize you have safeguards in place, but it does look weird.  It seems that your investors got caught in an interesting situation, face dilution on their investment or be compelled to claim to have more coins than they really do.

I'm going to change the display such that only onsite coins are displayed. It will look like ~340k are invested, but show the max profit as 0.5% of the combined "onsite" and "offsite" amounts. This will make things look less weird for the uninformed visitor. I wasn't expecting so many people to ask "how can there be more coins in the bank than exist". You're right about the dilemma faced by investors. The crux of the problem is that a couple of large investors have declared offsite stashes 99 times bigger than they already sizeable onsite investment. That almost makes everyone else's share of the bank tiny to the point of it not being worthwhile any more. The fact that staking rewards are shared according to the size of onsite investments probably still makes it worth staying invested for people with no other way of having their coins staked.

I'd say the first real test will be when a high roller wins, but given that gamblers actually have to have the coins, while investors need only 1%, and how thinly traded the CLAM market is (since 70% of the actually dug up clams are already invested on JD), I don't think high rollers of the scale you've seen in the past are likely unless a major investor (or you) gets really bored.

I don't think that's quite fair to say. For an investor to risk 1000 CLAMs per roll, he has to deposit and invest at least 2000 CLAMs and declare another 99 times 2000 CLAMs offsite, for a total of 200k CLAMs. He's allowed to risk 0.5% of his total. The gambler on the other hand only has to deposit 1000 CLAMs to win those 1000 CLAMs at a 2x multiplier (and significantly less if he's playing at high multipliers).

The thin market is a problem. If a gambler wants to buy 1000 CLAMs, he'll push the price up buying them. Then if he wins and wants to cash out, he'll push the price down trying to sell them. So not only does he have to worry about the house edge, he also has market slippage to worry about.

I'm linking to this post in the JD FAQ, in the hope that people will post their views in reply.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1094
Learning the troll avoidance button :)
How did it jump to 4.3 mil CLAMS invested???

Someone must have dug up A LOT of wallets.

That's one of the key issues, nobody has dug up those clams, just people say they have them so they can get a bigger cut of winnings off of just dice.  They will also get a bigger cut of the losses too...

O_O it sounds like fractional reserve banking
Which is fine with clams but considering the economic crash mechanism is a giant whale against a 1% house edge I think the odds are ever in the houses favor
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
How did it jump to 4.3 mil CLAMS invested???

Someone must have dug up A LOT of wallets.

That's one of the key issues, nobody has dug up those clams, just people say they have them so they can get a bigger cut of winnings off of just dice.  They will also get a bigger cut of the losses too...
sr. member
Activity: 470
Merit: 250
I guess soon we all hit offsite max and everybody goes back to the original cut
Not really too surprising really. Using high leverage is only dangerous when people are betting close to max bet.

How did it jump to 4.3 mil CLAMS invested???

Someone must have dug up A LOT of wallets.
Site allows leverage now, so the bank roll has inflated a lot.
full member
Activity: 155
Merit: 100
How did it jump to 4.3 mil CLAMS invested???

Someone must have dug up A LOT of wallets.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1002
Bitcoin is new, makes sense to hodl.
I guess soon we all hit offsite max and everybody goes back to the original cut
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
This might have been mentioned already but is just-dice going to start a signature campaign? I am sure it would help boost it's popularity Smiley

Dooglus is the Sriracha Sauce of Crypto.  

I doubt that he ever spends anything on any advertising for Just-dice (traditionally), but there is a chance that some investors may do a signature campaign.  

Really people who invest should want to market it anyways, so that brings a better form of marketing.

The marketing is the reputation, the threads on bitcointalk and the profit you stand to make. Dooglus need players and a few big investors to have a successful business. He is concentrating on the important part of the business : having a functionning website and community.
I just think introducing bitcoin back to the site will be the biggest boost the site can get.
I still don't understand why did dooglus give up on it as it was very successful for him.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1007
I guess I'll be putting it on JD in 2 or 3 days.

Are you happy with the rollout of this feature?  So far it does not appear to have led to investors moving coins off site to minimize counter party risk.  JD shows as invested as 5 times the total amount of clams that have been dug. 

I'm thinking some of your investors are not being totally honest about how many coins they have!   Cheesy  I realize you have safeguards in place, but it does look weird.  It seems that your investors got caught in an interesting situation, face dilution on their investment or be compelled to claim to have more coins than they really do.

I'd say the first real test will be when a high roller wins, but given that gamblers actually have to have the coins, while investors need only 1%, and how thinly traded the CLAM market is (since 70% of the actually dug up clams are already invested on JD), I don't think high rollers of the scale you've seen in the past are likely unless a major investor (or you) gets really bored.

Good Luck!

If people claim they have more coins than they do, they are at a greater risk of losing them. It really just makes it a higher risk, higher reward situation.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
I guess I'll be putting it on JD in 2 or 3 days.

I'd say the first real test will be when a high roller wins, but given that gamblers actually have to have the coins, while investors need only 1%

Good Luck!

time to introduce the same leverage for gamblers ldo!  Grin

just kidding, thank you dooglus for introducing this feature in the timeframe you promised in this thread  Wink
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
I guess I'll be putting it on JD in 2 or 3 days.

Are you happy with the rollout of this feature?  So far it does not appear to have led to investors moving coins off site to minimize counter party risk.  JD shows as invested as 5 times the total amount of clams that have been dug. 

I'm thinking some of your investors are not being totally honest about how many coins they have!   Cheesy  I realize you have safeguards in place, but it does look weird.  It seems that your investors got caught in an interesting situation, face dilution on their investment or be compelled to claim to have more coins than they really do.

I'd say the first real test will be when a high roller wins, but given that gamblers actually have to have the coins, while investors need only 1%, and how thinly traded the CLAM market is (since 70% of the actually dug up clams are already invested on JD), I don't think high rollers of the scale you've seen in the past are likely unless a major investor (or you) gets really bored.

Good Luck!
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 500
This might have been mentioned already but is just-dice going to start a signature campaign? I am sure it would help boost it's popularity Smiley

Dooglus is the Sriracha Sauce of Crypto.  

I doubt that he ever spends anything on any advertising for Just-dice (traditionally), but there is a chance that some investors may do a signature campaign.  

Really people who invest should want to market it anyways, so that brings a better form of marketing.

The marketing is the reputation, the threads on bitcointalk and the profit you stand to make. Dooglus need players and a few big investors to have a successful business. He is concentrating on the important part of the business : having a functionning website and community.
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