I have never made any false claims or claims of an object I have never used or owned.
You're missing the point. I don't need to know if you own any S9s because that's irrelevant. You seem to be drawing fundamentally wrong conclusions about the reliability of the S9 and it would still be wrong whether you post a screenshot, or a selfie, or whatever. But even that's not your most ridiculous claim. That honor goes to your insistence that nobody else can dispute it. Because random reasons.
I don't own a lot of things yet I don't think that disqualifies me from having strong opinions about them.
For example I don't own kano pool but I visit the thread anyway because (among other things) the guy who does actually own it also knows a thing or two about mining and is not shy of sharing it.
I also don't own Antpool but I don't like it because (among other things) their 0% fee is misleading and they take much more via tx fees.
That is my opinion. And I'm not gonna post a screenshot to make it look worth more than it is. If someone thinks my opinion is shit I welcome an argument on facts, not on some made up ownership criteria.
Your comparison is flawed because most likey. You have mined on both there by giving you sufficient data to form a opinion and put it to words.
Now I will concede that owning a mining device might provide useful data to form an opinion about certain aspects of said device. Except in your case where you extrapolate your alleged 100% reliability in a way that makes no sense whatsoever.
Makes perfect sense. If the problems were as bad as certain people has made it seem like. I would have had issues somewhere. With out a doubt on how some people are making it out to be the end of the world. I would have had a problem. Yet nope.
Um, you're the one who said 10% failure was OK, coz something about trucks and cars and fork lifts
I doubt there are many here who agree with that ...
However, there's another obvious point about your comment here ... sample.
Indeed if someone only has 1 miner and it fails (I only had 1 S5 and half of it failed) then it's not reasonable to assume that all S5s will fail in the same way.
But, there's the opposite that is also true, if someone with a small sample has no failures does that mean no one will ever have failures?
Guess what the answer is ... ... ... 'no' ... and even you were saying how 10% was ok
People have problems with their S9 miners - it's in lots of posts on the forum.
How bad are those failures? I've no idea.
Even someone with 20 really has no basis to extrapolate their reliability.
How bad are those problems for those who have them?
Well that's each individuals decision, coz no matter what you say, you cannot say what problems anyone else WILL have.
The bitcoin network is around 2,275PHs
It's not unreasonable to assume 15% of that is S9 - so probably about 160,000 of them.
Yeah even 20 says next to nothing about 160,000 of them