Also awaiting...the R4 does not excite me. We'll see.
Sorry for OT, but does the Avalon require a PC for a controller? I know you were having issues getting one setup a few days ago. Hopefully an A7 can be standalone as I don't want to shell out any more cash for another PC or Raspberry (never owned a Pi).
Back on topic. This is a long network block. It would be nice for us to snag it!!!!

you would need a rasp pi if it is like the avalon 4 or avalon 6
Thanks for the info. Was hoping that was not the case. Maybe the 7 will be stand-alone. I don't need anymore hardware than I already have!

RPi's are a good investment. I have 3 of them, all of which are involved in mining tasks right now. I rarely have one idle.
I have no problem with getting a 4th one if needed for an A7. They're inexpensive anyway.
I was a bit leery of using an outside controller, but it's a breeze, really. I'd never seen a Raspberry Pi before, and it was a hoot. A real computer the size of an Altoids tin. Daisy chain your units. I think an advantage is that it's cheap, and if you keep a backup SD card (what it runs on) you can swap your controller in maybe two minutes if needed. I'm picking up at least one more for a spare. I'm sort of ambivalent on how they do the mythical A7. So long as it works as we'd like it to. The other A6 "missed the bus" yesterday at our airport, and I may not see it until Monday unless the local contract courier for DHL works on Saturday.