Also awaiting...the R4 does not excite me. We'll see.
Sorry for OT, but does the Avalon require a PC for a controller? I know you were having issues getting one setup a few days ago. Hopefully an A7 can be standalone as I don't want to shell out any more cash for another PC or Raspberry (never owned a Pi).
Back on topic. This is a long network block. It would be nice for us to snag it!!!!
It took 1 hour 11 minutes for block 427012
But we didn't get it
Hopefully a block for us soon. These long and very red blocks make me sad.
get the chicken sacrifices out of the freezer....
wait for 10-20 minutes from now to get the last Kano block mature to 101 confirms...
it was quite awhile ago we had a 2-block day... hope we get one of those 11-block buster day soon!