Would anyone be willing to do a ELI5 on why i should mine on Kano, instead of Nicehash for example?
I started my two S7's a few days ago on Kano, and they are still there.
A buddy of mine claims that the payout is better at Nicehash,
After reading a lot about pools while waiting for the miners arrived i somehow picked Kano, but honestly i'm not sure why..
Sorry if this doesnt belong here.
Here is a post from Kano a while back....basically, we are in a low spot right now but this pool has been historically fantastic at earning miner's money. Just look at the pool's lifetime of 106.22%...there is no other mining venture that can claim that kind of success. Also, you cannot find a better pair of operators than Kano and Ckolivas who were the primary developers of cgminer that runs on virtually every piece of mining hardware out there and they are the developers of the CKPool software that this pool runs on. They are present and transparent which is unheard of in the pool environments elsewhere.
The advantage here is that the expected results are high due to:
1) Pool fee is only 0.9%
2) Reward includes all txn fees, and over the last 100 blocks that has more than covered the pool fee (101% txn fee average)
3) Pool orphans/lost blocks are, currently, 2 out of 463 or 0.43%, and considering our block change times, it seems the actual expected % could even still be lower
Using those 3 numbers you get an expected reward of 101.0% * 99.1% * 99.57% = 99.66%
(completely ignoring block finding luck)
Of course block finding luck is just that, luck, and past luck has no effected on future luck,
however, the fact that we have had, long term, greater than 100% luck means the rather important point, that the pool itself is not at fault causing negative luck
What do I mean by this? Well simply that if we had a year of bad luck (e.g. low 90's%) , it's gonna be pretty hard to explain that with statistics even with a pool the size we've had over the past year (let alone with a larger pool); instead, such long term bad luck would really suggest that there is something wrong with the pool.
However, that hasn't been the case. Not only have we been well above the low 90's% and thus well within acceptable results for luck, we've been above 100%, suggesting quite clearly that there's nothing in the way the pool works holding back luck.
Yes we've had periods of good and bad luck, and as stated before, the effect on rewards of the bad (and good) luck has been reduced by the pool's growth, but even as we have grown, we've seen no problems with luck changing over the month or 2, it's just continued to be random as before, and fortunately, better than expected